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Advanced Analytics and Reports

Telebroad provides administrators with advanced analysis and reporting tools for a complete perspective of all call, agents, and queues activity on the system they manage. 

Analytics is a stand-alone web application for administrators while Reports is part of the ACD Panel already used by administrators for management and supervision. Analytics has its own report feature, similar to the one found in the ACD Panel.

Analytics also has a Live Dashboard screen to observe groups and control, route, and join calls. This allows it to also function as a phone system management tool for offices that don't require a complete ACD solution.


Analytics has the following features:

  • A real-time graphing of incoming and outgoing call volumes.

  • A display of top performing agents and groups.
  • Access to historical call logs including call-flow details and call recordings.

    Logs come with filtering, sorting and searching options.

  • Column, pie, and line charts for comprehensive call details comparison between agents or groups. Filters and various data-values can be applied to each chart. The time perspective for the charts can range from daily (hours) up to yearly performance (months).

  • Breakdown of group loads with the number of live and holding calls.

  • Lists of all agents/users availability status.

  • Overview of all call activity with a breakdown for departments or users and real-time patterns.

Complete user guides and FAQs for Analytics are available here.



Reports has the following features:

  • Generate reports by group (or queue), by user (or agent), by date/time, by phone number, and by call history. Each report type comes with its own set of unique values.

  • Reports templates are pre-installed to get you started with the most common reporting scenarios. Templates can be duplicated and edited to generate other reports.

  • Reports can be exported as a Microsoft Excel compatible file.

  • A scheduling tool is available to generate reports automatically on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Scheduled reports will be emailed to you and can be run manually as well as needed.
  • For time based reports you can adjust the interval between each reported data value, giving you different perspectives on the same time frame.

  • Filters can be applied to focus reports on specific data you wish to analyse and exclude redundant items.  Filters include call status, call types, groups, users, dialed phone numbers, clients' numbers, and more.  

A user guides and FAQs for Reports is available here.