Telebroad's REST API requests on this support portal are grouped according to methods (Delete, Get, Post, Put).
To help you navigate them more easily and find an API relevant to your needs, this article provide a brief description of each API and groups APIs according to the following functions:
- Automatic Calls Distribution ---
Hunt Groups - Calls Information
- Calling
- Contacts
- Faxes
- Mailbox
- Messages (functions relating to all messages - fax, SMS, voicemail)
- PBX Information
- Phone Functions ---
Physical Phone Only Functions - Realtime Push Notifications
- TeleConsole Functions
- Telephone numbers
- User's Information
- Voicemail
Automatic Calls Distribution
Hunt Groups
- GET/my/huntgroups - the request returns a list of all hunt groups that the user is assigned to.
Calls Information
- GET/active/calls - the request returns detailed information about currently active calls dialed or received by a user broken down to different segments of the call as it progress through the system (call flow).
- GET/call/flow - the request returns a list of call flow segments for a call as it moves through the PBX system.
- GET/call/history - the request returns a list of all calls made or received for a particular telephone line.
GET/call/recording - the request returns returns a URL path for a downloadable MP3 audio recording of a particular call flow segment.
GET/calls/recent - the request returns a list of recent calls for a specific phone number.
- GET/my/calls/ringing - the request returns a list of all ringing calls for a user.
- DELETE/phone/cdrs - the request deletes one or more call detail records for a user's given phone line(s).
- GET/phone/cdrs - the request returns a list of call detail records for a for a user's given phone line(s).
- POST/call/hangup - the request ends a specific call that has been placed using the POST/send/call request.
- POST/call/pickup - the request lets a user pick up a call that has been placed using the POST/send/call request.
- POST/call/redirect - the request redirects a call, that has been placed using the POST/send/call request, to another PBX or external number.
- POST/send/call - the request initiates a voice call using a Telebroad account.
- POST/voicemail/call - the request redirects a call to a user's voicemail box.
- DELETE/contact - the request deletes one or more of the user's contacts.
- GET/contact and GET/contacts - the requests returns alist of personal contacts for a user.
- GET/contacts/export - request will return the a list of the user's private contacts as a downloadable CSV or VCF file.
- PUT/contact - the request is used to create a new personal TeleConsole contact or update an existing one.
- GET/people - the request returns a list of company and personal contacts for a user.
- GET/fax/message - the request returns the file attachment of a particular fax document as an Asci string encoded in Base64 format.
- DELETE/fax/messages - the request will delete one or more fax documents from the user's account.
- GET/fax/messages - the request returns a list of fax documents received or sent for a particular mailbox.
- POST/send/fax - the request uses a Telebroad account to send a fax document to a recipient's fax machine or fax enabled VoIP service.
GET/mailbox - the request returns the general settings of a particular mailbox. These settings apply for all voicemail or fax messages in the mailbox.
PUT/mailbox - the request updates the general settings of an existing mailbox or creates a new mailbox. These settings apply for all voicemail or fax messages in the mailbox.
- GET/allMessages (case sensitive) - the request returns a list of SMS, fax, and voicemail messages received or sent by a user. It essentially combines three separate Get requests into one request.
- GET/messages/unread - the request returns a count of unread SMS, fax, and voicemail messages plus a count of missed or unanswered calls received or dialled by the user.
- PUT/messages/read - the request marks all, a certain type, or specific user messages as read and seen. It also operates on the missed/unanswered "phn" counter of the GET/messages/unread request, reseting it to zero.
PBX Information
- GET/pbx/logs - the request returns a detailed log of PBX call flow records for all calls dialled or received by all users.
- GET/pbx/logs/csv - the request returns a log of PBX call flow records as a downloadable CSV file for all calls dialled or received by all users.
- GET/phone/destinations - the request returns a list of destinations (users) on the company's PBX along with phone lines, extensions, and internal caller IDs.
Phone Functions
- PUT/phone/dnd - the request activates or deactivates the Do Not Disturb status on a TeleConsole account and any physical phone that is associated with it. When DND status is activated calls will go directly to voicemail.
- PUT/phone/forwarding - the request enables (or disables) call forwarding of a user's phone line to a specific phone number.
Physical Phone Only Functions
- GET/nextSpeedDial - the request returns the number of the next available speed Dial or BLF button.
- GET/speeddials - the request returns a list of programmed speed dial and BLF buttons, showing you which buttons are used to call which destinations.
- DELETE/speeddial - the request will delete a speed dial or BLF button's definitions, making the button available for a new speed dial or BLF designations.
- PUT/speeddial - the request creates or updates a speed dial or BLF (Busy Lamp Field) button for a physical telephone.
Realtime Push Notifications
- POST/push/login - the request grants a user with access to realtime push notifications of voicemails, SMS/ messages, Faxes, Live call events and Call history. The response will display subscription and channel information for the PubNub realtime data stream network notification service.
- POST/push/logout - the request revokes a user's push notification messages access previously granted with the post/push/login method.
- DELETE/sms/conversation - the request deletes one or more SMS/MMS conversations from the user's account.
- GET/sms/conversation - the request returns details about a particular SMS/MMS conversation, displaying all the messages exchanged in the conversation.
- GET/sms/conversations - the request returns a list of all SMS/MMS conversations for a particular telephone line.
- GET/sms/lines - the request returns a list of all SMS lines for a user. It is useful for other SMS related requests.
- POST/send/sms - the request sends an SMS/MMS message to a recipient with a mobile phone, another Telebroad account, or a VoIP line that supports SMS messaging.
TeleConsole Functions
- PUT/myStatus (case sensitive) - the request sets a user's TeleConsole availability status - specifying both the type and message of the status.
Telephone Numbers
- GET/cnam - the request returns the Caller ID Name for any nationwide mobile or landline number registered with the CNAM repositories.
User's Information
- GET/myProfile (case sensitive) - the request returns a list of entries about a user's TeleConsole's profile and PBX settings.
The list is divided into several categories that include the user's main details, pbx and role information, system rights (to see information or change settings), his phone lines, SMS lines, fax lines, voicemail boxes, and fax storage boxes.
- GET/download/mailbox/greeting - the request returns the audio file of a mailbox greeting as a base64 text string. There are four types of TeleConsole mailbox greetings that can be requested. You can convert this string to an actual audio file using any online base64 converting tool.
- DELETE/mailbox/greeting - the request deletes one of the four possible mailbox greetings.
- GET/voicemail - the request returns a list of voicemail messages for a particular mailbox.
- DELETE/voicemail/file - the request deletes one or more voicemail messages from the user's account.
- GET/voicemail/file - the request returns a particular voicemail file as an Asci string encoded in Base64 format.