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The GET/sms/lines is a simple request that returns a list of all SMS lines for a user. It is useful for other SMS related requests such as GET/SMS/Conversations or POST/send/SMS

The same information can also be obtained from the get/myProfile request, but many other additional and non-relevant fields will also be returned. 

 The request returns the following fields of information:

  • sms_line - the phone number of the SMS line.

  • sms_linename  -  the name associated with the SMS line


None are required. The Limit and Offset optional parameters may be used if dealing with a large list of lines (rarely, if ever, the case.)

Only the User name and Password for the relevant account need to be supplied using basic authorization on your API client program.


To get the list of SMS lines for a user use this syntax:

HTTPS method: GET







        "sms_linename":"Mike Robinson main"},


        "sms_linename":"Mike Robinson backup"}

