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Note the distinction between this and GET/fax/message that returns information for a single fax.

The GET/fax/messages method returns a list of fax documents received or sent for a particular mailbox. 

Each listed fax document includes the following fields of information:

  • ID - a particular identification number identifying the fax document. This is important for the get/fax/message method, that returns details about a particular fax.
  • time - the time the message was recorded (in Unix timestamp format).
  • pages - number of pages for the fax document
  • mailbox - the mailbox containing the fax document (same as the one specified in the API request).
  • called - the destination phone number of the fax.
  • caller - the phone number of the sender of the fax.
  • callerid - the caller ID associated to the sender of the fax.
  • name - the file name of the fax document - this name is generated by the system by combining several of the above fields - time, pages, mailbox, called, caller, and callerid.
  • dir - the directory where the document is stored - either INBOX or SENT. This also indicates if the fax inbound or outbound in direction.
  • sent_by - a name or ID (such as an extension) of the user who sent the document.
  • read_by - a name or ID (such as an extension) of the user who read the message, if any.
  • seen - A Boolean response. A value of 1 indicates that the message was seen (read) by someone. A value of 0 indicates it has not.


All parameters go in the header.

mailboxstringIndicates the number for the mailbox for which to list the fax documents.
BooleanUse this to sort the list in descending order.
dirstringThe directory for which the fax documents will be listed, either INBOX or SENT.
*startintegerThe  starting time for displaying the documents in Unix time.
The ending time for displaying the documents in Unix time.
Specify the number of voicemails to be returned by the request.
Specify the first voicemails to display. For example an offset of 3 will start the list on the 3rd voicemails. If left empty the default will be the first record.

*Use start=0 and end=-1 to display all voicemails.


To get a list of fax documents for mailbox 1-646-741-5360 use this syntax:

HTTP method: GET



"error": null,
"id": "3604696",
"time": "1484376960",
"pages": "1",
"mailbox": "16467415360",
"called": "13474367740",
"caller": "16467415360",
"callerid": "16467415360"
        "name": "fax_1484376960_1_13474367740_16467415360

"dir": "SENT",
"sent_by": "13697",
"read_by": "",
"seen": "0"
"id": "3461066",
"time": "1483091348",
"pages": "5",
"mailbox": "16467415360",
"called": "13474367740",
"caller": "16467415360",
"callerid": "16467415360",
        "name": "fax_1483091348_5_13474367740_16467415360

"dir": "SENT",
"sent_by": "13697",
"read_by": "Abby Turner",
"seen": "1"