The Messages Screen Overview
Messages is the default TeleConsole screen, showing you all your voicemails, eFaxes, and text conversations (SMS/MMS) with their related options. Access the screen at any time by tapping .
New messages are displayed in blue. Messages you have already viewed or read are displayed in gray.
Voicemails are marked with the tape icon – . Text conversations are marked with the speech bubble icon –
. Faxes are marked with the document icon –
The screen is refreshed automatically with new messages and you can also manually refresh it by swiping down anywhere on it to instantly fetch the latest messages from the Telebroad server.
Filtering and Searching
By default, all types of messages are shown on the screen. Tap on the top-right to select to show either All Messages or to just show Fax messages, SMS Messages, or Voicemail messages.
Obviously if you select a specific message type, you can't see other types. So if you have faxes selected you will not see your voicemails. Therefore always select the relevant type or All Messages.
The search option ( ) let you look for any name, number, or even words and phrases in your messages.
The search results are only returned for the selected message type! For example, if you are only displaying faxes you will not find a contact who has just left you a voicemail. If you can't find a specific message try selecting All Messages when searching.
Deleting Messages
You can delete one or more messages by long-pressing them and tapping on the top-right.
The Voicemail Screen, Transcription, and Playback
Tap any voicemail message to listen to it and access related voicemail options. The screen shows the caller's name and number, the date and time he left the voicemail message, and the mailbox where the voicemail was recorded to.
Voicemails can also be accessed by dialing *1 on the dial pad. See more information here.
The appearance of the voicemail options may differ depending on the size of the screen of your device. For a smaller screen, fewer icons will be shown and more options will be accessible from the menu in the top-right corner ().
Voicemail transcription will be available only if enabled for the mailbox on the admin portal under Features>Mailboxes>Transcribe Voicemail.
Tap to play or pause the message. You can also drag the playhead (
) around to skip or replay portions of the message. Tap
to switch the device speaker on and off.
An additional way to control the message playback is from the Player Controls notification. It allows you to pause, fast forward, or rewind a message. By default, it appears in the notifications drawer when you start playing a message. You can configure it to appear on the screen as a pop-up from the Android notifications settings.
Voicemail Options

The voicemail options on the top provide the following functions:
- Delete (
) the message. You will be prompted to approve the deletion.
- Call (
) the person who left you the voicemail. You can learn more about call and conference options here.
- Send SMS/MMS (
) to the person who left you the voicemail. His phone number will be automatically inserted in the recipient field. Read more about sending text messages here.
- Add a new contact (
) using the phone number of the person who left you the voicemail.
If the person already exists in your contacts you will see the option to see his details (View Contact) instead.
When adding a new contact you need to choose the type/location of the contact. Select Android Device to create a new personal-private contact on your device (you can further choose to save it locally on your device or to the address book of your Google account), Telebroad Cloud to create a new personal-business contact, or Add To Existing contact.
You can read about the difference between private and business contacts here.
Note that if you are holding your device in landscape orientation the type/location choices may not show properly. Either swipe them upward into view or rotate your device to portrait orientaion. - Share (or download) an MP3 file of the voicemail. The available sharing/downloading options depend on your Android system setup and installed apps. Google native apps (such as Gmail or Drive) should always be available. To download the file you need to select a file manager app (if the native file manager on your device is not displayed you need to install a 3rd party file manager like Cx File Explorer shown in the example here.)
After selecting an app for sharing/downloading you need to select JUST ONCE or ALWAYS.
If you select JUST ONCE, the list of sharing options will display the next time you share a voicemail.
If you select ALWAYS, future voicemail will be shared with the option you just selected without the list being shown. If you want to select a new sharing option go to your Android Settings and select Apps>the app you have selected to Always share with (for example "Gmail"). Find and tap the Open by default option and tap CLEAR DEFAULTS (depending on your Android version and Android skin, you may only see a CLEAR DEFAULTS choice under the app's options.)