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Poly Trio C60/8800 Main Screens – Home, Calls, Make a Call

The Main Poly C60/8800 Screens

The Trio C60/8800 phones have three main screens you should be familiar with:

  • Home: Displays your messages, settings, and information.

  • Place a Call: Access to the dial pad, Recent Calls, Contacts, and Calendar.

  • Calls: Displays all active and held calls.

The Home Screen

The Home screen has icons for accessing features, settings, additional registered lines, and contacts.

The available icons depend on the configuration and software version of the phone as well as recent calls and messages you received.

To access the home screen do one of the following:

  • Select   (Home).

  • Select   (Menu)>Home.

Changing the Home Screen Icon Size

The Home screen has a page indicator beneath the menu options. It shows the number of home screen pages (two in the example shown here) and which page you’re currently viewing (the bigger white dot).

You can tap and hold the page indicator to switch between large or small menu option icons.

The Place a Call Screen

The Place a Call screen shows when you select Place a Call on the Home screen.

In addition to the dial pad for making calls, here you can also access tabs for Contacts, Recent Calls, and the Calendar.

To access the Place a Call screen do one of the following:

  • On the Home screen select (Place a Call).

  • Select (Menu)>Place a Call.

The Calls Screen

The Calls screen displays automatically when you place or when you have an active (received call) in progress.

For the active call, the phone displays the contact’s name, number, and the call duration.

The screen provides various options to control and manage the conversation: Mute, Hang up, Hold, Transfer, Dialpad (to place multiple calls or access voice menu options), and Add (to create a conference.) See the relevant articles in our Poly Trio user guides for more information about these.

Managing Multiple Calls from the Calls Screen

If your phone supports multiple lines the Calls Screen will display the active, incoming, and held call(s) if additional calls were received or dialed.

To manage calls on the Calls Screen:

  • Select the call you want to manage.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Select   (Hold) to place an active call on hold.

    • Select   (Resume) to make a held call active (this will place the active call on hold.)

    • Select   (Hang Up) to end the call.

      You can only end active calls. Resume a held call first if you want to end it.

    • Select Transfer to send the call to another contact.