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The GET/messages/unread request returns a count of unread SMS, fax, and voicemail messages as well as a count of missed or unanswered calls received or dialled by the user. 

The term "unread" means the user has not opened the message at all, but does not refer to its content. So, for example, a voicemail message that the user has opened (to see its details) but has not actually played the voicemail audio is still considered as "read."

The user has no direct control of the missed/unanswered calls counter. Accessing the call history tab of the TeleConsole and viewing missed/unanswered calls will not reset the counter. Instead, to reset it use the PUT/messages/read request.

The response has the following fields of information:

  • sms - count of unread SMS messages.
  • fax - count of unread fax messages.
  • vox - count of unread voicemail messages.
  • phn - count of missed or unanswered calls received or dialled by the user.


All parameters go in the header.

(optional) A value of 1 will return non-cached message count, meaning messages that have been received on the server but have not yet updated on the user's TeleConsole app. This is only noticeable during heavy communication traffic or if large messages have been sent to the user.


To see unread messages for a user use this syntax:

HTTPS method: GET



{ "error": null,


     {  "sms": 2, 

        "vox": 1, 

        "fax": 1,

        "phn": 3 } 
