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The PUT/messages/read request marks all, a certain type, or specific user messages as read and seen. 

In term of definitions, a message is considered read as soon as the user opens it on his TeleConsole app to view its textual content, but only considered seen when he opens and views its additional files/media such as a fax document, voicemail audio, or picture/video of an MMS.

The request also operates on the missed/unanswered phn counter of the GET/messages/unread request, reseting it to zero.


There are no parameters in the header. All parameters go in the body in JSON Raw format.

typestringThe messages type to be marked as read and seen. Use this to mark as read all messages of a certain type. If you want to mark specific messages this is optional.

Available message types are:
  • sms
  • fax
  • vox - voicemail.
  • phn - missed/unanswered calls counter.
  • all - all of the above message types.
phonestring(Optional) If an account has multiple lines for each type, use this parameter to specify the phone line, sms line, or mailbox to apply the marking to.

Combine it with the type parameter to delete all messages of a certain type only on a specific line.
integerSpecific messages IDs to be marked as read. If you want to mark all messages of a certain type this is optional.

Up to ten IDs, separated by comma, can be marked per parameter item.

Obtain these IDs from the relevant requests such as - Get/voicemail, GET/fax/messages , and GET/sms/conversations.


To mark all of the user's voicemail messages and all missed/unanswered calls as read and seen use this syntax:

HTTP method: PUT




{"type":"vox", "type":"phn"}



    "error": null, 

    "result": true 


To mark just  two specific voicemail messages as read and seen use this syntax in the body:

{"ids":1585024169, 1585024170}



    "error": null, 

    "result": true 
