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Making and Recording Conference Calls

With the Konftel 300Wx phone you can make conference calls by either setting up conference groups or by instantly calling participants. 

Conference calls can also be recorded to an SD card for future playback and reference.

  Before making a recording, it is very important to inform all parties that you are going to record the conversation and ask for their consent to do so. In some US states and in Canada only one participant need to provide consent for a call recording while in other states the law requires all participants to provide consent. To be on the safe side, please familiarize yourself with the legal requirements relevant to you, especially if you are making interstate calls. 

Creating an Instant Conference

  • Press the    button.

  • Select INSTANT with the arrow buttons and press     to confirm.

  • You will be asked to dial the first number.

    Dial the first person’s telephone number and press     to confirm.

  • press     when the first person has answered.

  • Press    to call another person and repeat the above steps.

    Press    when you have called all the persons you want for your meeting.

  • If one of the persons does not answer, follow the same steps as explained below in making conference group calls.

Making Conference Calls with Conference Groups

You can create 20 conference groups with up to six people in each. You can call the participants in a meeting by simply pressing a few buttons. 

Creating Conference Groups

  • Select   > CONF GUIDE > ADD GROUP.

  • Enter a group name and press     to confirm.
  • Press    to enter the first person.
  • Write the name of the first person and press   to confirm.

    Enter the the person's number and press    to confirm.

  • Press     to add another person and repeat the above steps.

  • Conclude by pressing  .

When entering text be aware that each button contains letters and characters – more than those shown on the button (see illustration below). Press the same button repeatedly to change to another character. If there are two letters under the same button that you want to enter one after the other, you need to pause slightly before entering the second letter. Press     to delete the last character you entered.

Making Conference Group Calls

  • Press the     button.

  • Select the conference group you want to call.

    You can use the arrow buttons or press an alphanumeric button to jump to the first name that starts with that letter in the list.

  • Press     if you want to see who is in the group before you make the call and press     again or    to make the call.

    Press    directly if you want to make the call without first checking who is in the group.

    The Konftel 300Wx dials the first person and asks you to confirm when the person answers.
  • Press     when the first person has answered.

  • Continue in the same way for each person in the group. 

If you don’t get an answer:

  • Press    if one of the persons you are trying to call does not answer.

  • You will  be asked you if you want to redial that person.

    Press    to redial the person or    to not redial him.
  • If you decide not to redial you will be asked if you want to end the conference  or continue to the next person.

  • Press     to continue or     to stop adding more persons to the conference.  If you chose the later, you will be connected with up to six people and ready to start your conference.

You can also call a conference group via SEARCH GROUP in the CONF GUIDE menu. 

Displaying Conference Group Participants


  • Mark the group you want and press   .

  • The names of the conference group participants are displayed.

  • Press     to return to the CONFERENCE GUIDE menu or to exit the menu.

  • Press     or   to dial the group.

Editing Conference Groups

  • Select   > CONF GUIDE > EDIT GROUP.

    Here, you can change the name of a conference group, add or delete a person from a group and change a person’s name and phone number.

  • Mark your choice of option in the menu and press    to confirm.
  • The names of the conference groups are displayed.

  • Mark the group you want to change and press    to confirm.

  • Mark a person you want to change and press    to confirm.

  • Make the change and press     to confirm.

  • Delete a number or a letter in a name by pressing  . If you want to cancel the change you are making and leave the name or number as they were, press     until the CONFERENCE GUIDE menu appears. 

Deleting Conference Groups

  • Select   > CONF GUIDE > ERASE GROUP.

  • Mark the group you want to delete and press  .

  • Confirm that you really want to delete the group by pressing     or cancel the deletion of a group by pressing  .

Deleting All Conference Groups

  • Select  > CONF GUIDE > ERASE ALL.

  • Confirm that you really want to delete all groups by pressing   or cancel the deletion of all groups by pressing  .

Displaying Conference Guide Status

  • Select   > CONF GUIDE > STATUS.

  • The display screen indicates the number of conference groups already stored plus how many more groups can be added. 

Conference Recording

It is possible to record a phone conference on an SD memory card so you can listen to it later on. It is possible to record a call in progress and use the Konftel 300Wx as a dictaphone.

A flashing symbol appears on the display screen during recording. A beep is heard every 10 seconds so that other parties in the call know it is being recorded. The beep can be turned off. 

The document that is recorded on the SD card is named after the time at which the recording began (e.g. 14-35-01.wav) and is saved in a folder with the current date. This name can be changed after the recording has ended.

Starting a Recording

Remember to notify all parties in the call  before you start recording.

To start a recording:

  • Press the    button and press   to confirm the recording.

  • The recording symbol flashes on the display screen.

During a recorded call you can do the following:

  • To mute a recording:
    • Press the     button during a call to turn the microphone off.

      The LEDs change from blue to red.
    • The other party cannot hear what you are saying and only the called party is recorded.

  • To put a recording on hold:

    • Press     during the call to put the call on hold.

      The LEDs change from blue to flashing red.
    • Both the microphone and the speaker are turned off and the call is on hold. None of the parties will now be recorded. 

To end a recording: 

  • Press the    button and press    to confirm.

    The recording symbol is no longer displayed on the screen.

  • If you are recording a call and the call ends, you will be asked if you want to stop the recording.