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Types of views

Calls View

Call Actions

Users View #1 and #2

Departments View

The Live Dashboard is your command center for observing and handling Calls, Users, and Departments, providing you with information about calls traffic, users' activity, and groups load.  

Access Live Dashboard from the Analytics menu on the Welcome Dashboard screen.  

If you reduce the the size of the Live Dashboard window enough the layout and controls will change to look like its mobile browser's version. You can read about this version here.

 Note that Live View is referring to Departments while the Welcome Dashboard is referring to Groups. The terms are interchangeable.

In the bottom right corner of the window is the Filter button that controls the information displayed in the window.

Live View has four distinct view modes, selected by clicking on the Toggle View icon on the top right corner.

Users View #1 and Users View #2 are similar except that they provide different information about calls.

View #1 shows all calls (active+holding) under one tab. The call details on the right side show the flow for each call (it's progression through the phone system's menus, users, and queues). The direction of the call (incoming or outgoing) is also indicated. 


View #2 shows a separate tab for incoming and outgoing calls, each with its own separate sorting and search options. The call details on the right side show the destination of the call (phone number, user, or group/queue).  

Calls View

This simplified view shows only calls. It is handy when you need more screen space to handle a large call volume. 


The calls are divided into two groups. Holding Calls - marked by a red phone number. These are calls that have not been answered yet. Answered Calls (Also called Active Calls) - marked by a turquoise phone number. These are calls that have been answered by users.

Looking closer at at each call box, we can see several items of information:

  • On the left we see the caller's phone number and name or caller ID.

  • On the top right is the time lapsed since the caller began the call.

  • Below it, is the current status of the call.

    When the caller is in the main phone menu, before he selected a department to speak with, it will say IVR and some number relating to the phone system setup. IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response.


    If the call Holding (that is not answered yet,) the status can be the name of the Department the caller is holding for, or the name of the User the phone system is currently trying to reach (you will see that the system cycles between all the users belonging to a particular department).

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    If the call is Answered, the status is the name of the active user handling it.


Because we don't see any users or departments here there is only one filter that applies to this view - Filter Calls By Status. Select from it to display only Holding Calls or only the Active Calls

Call Actions 

Click on any call and to Call Actions will appear on the top right corner. 

 Call Actions function the same way in all Analytics views.

Hang Up - self explanatory. You will be asked to confirm you want to hang up the call and once you do the call will be disconnected.

Redirect - this is one of the most important tools of the Live View, allowing you to handle overflow and match the right users with the right customers. Click the button to open a window with two tabs where you can redirect the call to either Departments or Users. Select a user or a department and click Redirect Call. If you decide not to redirect the call, simply re-click the call and the redirect window will close. 

  • USERS-  color coded status indications tell you which user is Available to take a call,  already On Call, has his line Ringing, or is Unavailable because he is not logged into his TeleConsole account. 

    If a user selects other status than Available in his TeleConsole account it will have no effect here and you can still redirect a call to him. Instead if a user is logged into the TeleConsole he needs to turn on Do Not Disturb to indicate his is not interested in having calls redirected to him.

  •  DEPARTMENTS- each department has an indication of how many calls are Holding and how many are Live calls to show how busy it is.

Join Call - this is only available for live calls. The icon will not be displayed for holding calls! 

Click this to listen to a call by joining the conversation. A prompt will ask you to approve this and then your administrator phone line will ring. When you pick up, a conference call will be created between yourself, the user, and the person he is talking to. Mute your microphone to just listen to the conversation.

  For this feature to work, a phone line needs to be defined and associated with the Analytics account currently logged in otherwise you will see a "You do not own any phone line" error. 

It is also possible to join a call using a dial code. You can read more about this here.

Users View #1 and #2

Users View #1 is the default view mode for the Live Dashboard. Together with Users View #2 it offers the most comprehensive information including columns for users, departments, and calls.  We cover both views here together since they are similar enough. 

Users Availability Status - 1 

This area lists all the user and their availability status, making it easy to see who is busy and who is not.

You can see how the status next to an agent's name corresponds to a call that lists the name of the agent -  Christopher Cherry has called the Accounting department and is waiting for someone to pick up (Ringing). There are two calls that have been answered by Jeremiah Robinson and Alexander Garcia (On Call), making them both unavailable to receive other calls.

The different possible user statuses are:

  • Unavailable -  a user is not logged into the TeleConsole or to any department. 

  • On Call - a user is handling a live call that he either received or initiated.  

  • Available - a user is logged in and is available to take calls.

  • On Another Call - a user is handling more than one call.

  • Ringing - a user's phone is ringing. He is yet to answer. Or the user has called someone and is waiting for an answer.

  • Do not disturb -  the user has activated the Do Not Disturb option from his TeleConsole, suggesting he is occupied with another activity. Please see our TeleConsole solutions for more information.

Departments Summary - 2

Here you see how many calls are Holding and how many are Live in each Department. For example here we see the Sales Department has one holding call and one live call, while the Technical Support department has one live call for a total of three calls as seen above.

Departments Sorting Options - 3

Click to choose how to sort the list of departments:

  • A to Z - sort the departments alphabetically.

  • Most holding calls - sort the departments by the ones with the most unanswered calls.

  • Most Users available - sort the departments by the ones that have the most users that have not yet answered any calls.

  • Priority - sort the list by the departments' priority rankings. Priorities are set by your administrator. If users in one departments are all busy than a call will be redirected to another department, one with the next highest priority.   

Users Sorting Options  - 4

Click to choose how to sort the list of users:

  • A to Z - sorts the users alphabetically.

  • Waiting for calls First - sorts the users by the ones who are waiting to answer calls first, that is available agents will be shown at the top of the list, while the ones who are busy with calls will be placed lower.

  • Sort by Group - sorts the users by the ones belong to more groups. For example an agent belonging to three groups will be placed at the top of the list, while an agent belonging to only one group will be lower.

  • None - also sorts the users alphabetically but with available users appearing first.

Calls Sorting Options -  5 

In View #1 there is only one column for all calls while in View #2 calls are two separate columns, one for incoming calls and one for outgoing calls.  

Each has an identical sorting menu for the calls in the column:

  • Holding First - sorts the list so that calls on Hold will be displayed at the top, while the rest of the calls will be displayed lower.
  • Sort in Order they were Received - sorts the calls in a chronological order.

  • Sort by Group - collects the calls into groups (departments), sorting the groups alphabetically. 

Call Actions

Call Actions (in both View #1 and View #2) work the same as they do in the Calls View mode (see above). Click on any call to  Hang Up the call, Redirect it, or Join Call to listen to it. 


All filters can be uses in this view mode and you can combine more than one filter. The relevant department and calls filters are discussed in the two other view sections.

Filter Users - Check the users that you want displayed in the user's list.

This filter only affects the list of users and nothing else. Calls with users who were filtered out will still be displayed in the calls area regardless.

Filter Users by Status - select one of the options here to filter specific users to be displayed on the users' list.

  • Available for calls - the users' list will only show users who are not talking to clients or not having their phone ring with inbound or outbound call. This is very useful when you need to distribute calls manually.

  • On call - Self explanatory. The users' list will only show users who are currently talking to clients. This is handy when you need to join a conversation.

  • Logged out from all groups - self explanatory This will help you deal with large call volumes by finding users who are logged out from all groups.

Departments View

The view has two options - regular, and full screen for when you need more space. The buttons to switch between the two on the top right corner.

Click the Full screen button and the entire top green bar will disappear. 

Click the Regular screen button to get out of Full-screen mode.

Each box in this view represents a department. Inside each department-box you will find the calls associated with it. 

With the extra space in full screen view each department-box will display additional information about available users. The number on the right is the total number of users assigned for the department, while the one on the left is the ones who are available (logged in and have not switched on "do not disturb"). 

Here is some the information available in this view: 

  • 1 - Information panel for all departments. It tells you the Total number of calls for all departments, Holding calls for all departments, Answered calls in all department, Average wait time and Max wait time for all departments, Available users - the total number of users minus the ones on calls or on hold, and Unavailable - the users who are completely logged out from all departments or who have toggled on their "do not disturb" status (so if that number is zero, it means all users are actually logged in to one or more departments and none has toggled on "do not disturb"). 

  • 2 - In the Customer Service department we see On the  that the department has one Holding call and one Live call. 
  • 3 - In the same department we also see that Beverly Mercado has answered one internal call, marked by a turquoise phone number. An external call is ringing (on hold) for Alexander Garcia, marked by a red phone number. 
  • 4 - There is also a call ringing to Beverly Mercado in the accounting department. This means Beverly belongs to both departments and has a high user priority. The call is holding for her since she has already answered another call. It will either go to her voicemail or keep waiting for her to answer based on her TeleConsole settings.

  In this view we only see calls which have been distributed to departments. Hence you will not see calls where the client is still listening to main phone system greeting (IVR) or calls from users to outside clients.

Call Actions


Call Actions work the same as they do in the Calls View mode (see above). Click on any call to Hang Up the call, Redirect it, or Join Call to listen to it.


Resizing and Rearranging Departments.


You can resize the boxes of departments or rearrange them according to importance.


Resizing - When a department gets busy you will need to use the scroll-slider to examine calls. Instead, you can save time by clicking the plus icon in the bottom right part of a department-box to double its size. Click the minus icon to shrink it back to normal size.  

Rearranging - if you have a lot of departments you may want to rearrange them so the more important or busier ones are on the top, saving you from having to scroll the entire screen up and down constantly. 

To move a department-box click and hold anywhere inside it. Start dragging it around. It will become translucent. Move it over another box. The box you will be switching places with will get red borders to indicate it is selected. Let go of the mouse button and the departments will switch places.





Users filters do no apply in this view.  You can only filter by Departments or Calls (see Filter Calls by Status above.) Combining filters is certainly possible. For example using two filters, you can display only Active Calls in the Sales and Customer Service departments.

  Remember that when we refer to Departments and Groups we are talking about the same thing.

Filter Groups - check the groups you want to be displayed. This allows you to focus on the more active groups.

Filter Groups By Status - Choose to display groups with either users that are actively on a call or groups where no users are busy with any calls. During heavy call volume, this allows you to direct calls to groups with no activity, or find groups that don't receive calls because their agents are logged out.