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The DELETE/download/mailbox/greeting deletes one of the four possible mailbox greetings.


All parameters go in the header. 

mailboxstringSpecify the number of the mailbox for which to delete the greeting, if the user has more than one mailbox.
typestringThere are four different types of a possible greeting that a caller will hear when he has reached your mailbox.

You can delete one greeting type at a time. You will have to send separate requests for additional types!

The greeting type must be in lower case or you will get a "_invalid_greeting_type_" error.

greet - the greeting will be played if you are not answering the call. It will have priority and be played if no other greeting has been recorded.

unavail - if you are not answering but the "greet" greeting has not been set up by any method (recording, upload, or API) than the system will play your this instead. This greeting is just the system saying your name followed by saying the system saying "is unavailable".

temp - temporary greeting is played if you are unreachable, like when you are logged out of all your queues or toggled your availability status to Do not disturb.

busy - busy greeting is played if you are already taking another call. 


To delete the "temp" greeting for mailbox 201 use this syntax:




A "null" error indicates successful deletion. Note that if the greeting is empty (it has been deleted or never been setup) you will still get a "null" error.

    "error": null, 

    "result": true 
