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Poly Trio 8300 Main Screens – Home, Main Menu, Calls, Make a Call

The Poly 8300 has four main screens that you should be familiar with.

The Home Screen

The Home screen is displayed by default when the phone is idle. It provides access to functions such as DND, call forwarding, and directories. It also allows you to access the Main Menu screen.

You can press the Home key () from any screen to return to the Home screen.

The Main Menu Screen

The Main Menu screen provides access to phone features such as settings, contacts, recent calls, and the Place a Call screen.

To access the Main Menu screen first go to the Home screen and then press the  Home key (). So essentially, depending on the current screen, you access the Main Menu by pressing the Home key once or twice.

The Place a Call Screen

The Place a Call screen displays when you select Place a Call from the main menu or when you dial a number on the dial pad.

You can access the Recent Calls list from here by selecting  .

The URL option allows you to call a contact using his SIP URL, instead of a phone number. 

The Calls Screen

The Calls screen displays automatically when you place a call or when you have an active (received) call in progress. It has call options like hold, transfer, etc. See the relevant articles in our Poly Trio user guides for more information about these.

Managing Multiple Calls from the Calls Screen

If your phone supports multiple lines the Calls Screen will display any active and held call(s) and relevant call management options. 

To manage calls on the Calls Screen:

  • Select the call you want to manage.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Select Hold to place an active call on hold.

    • Select Resume to make a held call active (this will place the active call on hold.)

    • Select  More>Hang Up to end the call.

      You can only end active calls. Resume a held call first if you want to end it.

    • Select Transfer to send the call to another contact.