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Global Search

Usage and Recent Searches

You can enter full or partial phone numbers, names, or phrases in the global search field (marked with  at the top of the screen) to find all related information in your account – contacts, phone calls, conversations, faxes, voicemails, team and direct chats, etc.

A list of your Recent Searches is shown when you click in the field, giving you a quick one-click search option. Remove items from the list with  .

The global search returns all relevant results, even if some are filtered out on certain screens. For example, if you have Unread Conversations selected on the messages screen, you will still see search results for conversations you already read.

Search Tabs and Opening Results

Search results are broken down and displayed in tabs — CONTACTS, CALLS, VOICEMAILS, MESSAGES, etc. The search term is marked in bold within the result. 

Both direct and team chats are displayed under the TEAMS tab. For chats, you can only look for words and phrases and not phone numbers (unless if they are actually mentioned in the text of a chat). 

You can click any result to open it directly. Clicked results for contacts, voicemails, or calls will simply open the related record. But if you look for a word or a phrase it will be highlighted in yellow in the relevant message or chat when opened (you may need to scroll down to see the highlight.)

Combined Word/Phrases Search

Note that when you search for a phrase the returned results include the complete phrase as well as any word in the phrase!

Hidden Search Results 

Note that the search results may not always seem to include the search term. Faizan Dosani, for example, does not seem to include the search term (347), but if you open the contact details for him you will see the relevant phone number.

Search Results in Threads

Search results for chats also cover threads. But when you click the result it will open the message the thread is relating to and not the message itself. Unless the searched word/phrase is in the last reply of the thread, you will not see it in the message. 

Just open the thread to see the searched word/phrase.