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Zapier Integration and Automation

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Zapier is a cloud based platform that allows you to integrate Telebroad communication services with over two thousands apps and and online software systems to create automated workflows and share data.

Integration can be set up in minutes and are calls Zaps. They require no coding or programming knowledge. You simply select Telebroad and another app, set up login details for both, and select a trigger on one app and an action caused by this trigger on the other. Zapier does the rest for you.

Once you have mastered the basics of creating Zaps, you can enhance them with filters (a filter allow an action only when certain conditions are met, giving  more precise control of the automation and data sharing), customized action delays, and reformatting of the data passed between the apps. Zapier also offers a set of it own built-in apps for extended functionality. 

Zapier Sign Up and Initial Profile Setup

You need to register an account with Zapier before you can create integration Zaps. 

To register an account:

  • Click Sign Up at the top right corner of the screen (if you already have an account click Log In instead.)

  • You can sign up using your existing Google or Facebook account, or with an email. Google or Facebook will prompt you to grant Zapier certain access rights to your account after you provide your login credential. This is a normal procedure.  

  • Once you sign up you will access your new account and will be presented with a short tour of how Zapier works. You can Skip this tour or click Next to proceed to its 4th step where you can do a quick setup of your profile. Select your role in your company and three apps you most commonly use.

  • Its no problem if you do skip the tour since you can setup your profile later under Settings

Adding Account Login Credentials

For Zapier to work, it needs to be able to log in to your Telebroad TeleConsole account and to any other apps you are integrating it with.

You can set up account login credentials in advance, which is recommended, or while creating Zaps (see below).

To set up app account login in advance:

  • From the Home page select the My Apps tab.

  • Click in the Connect a new account... field to see a list of popular apps or start typing the name of the app that is not on the list (Telebroad for example). Click the name of the app you want to set up login credentials for when it shows up in a list of available apps.

  • Enter your relevant user name and password in the screen that opens and click Yes, Continue. For example, enter your Telebroad TeleConsole login information.

  • Zapier will connect to the account and show it in a list under My Connections.

  • Next to the each connected account you can click Test to verify the connection (in case you haven't used it in a while), Reconnect to reconnect an existing account or enter different login credential for the app, and Disconnect to remove it (you will be prompted with a clickable Really? warning first.)

    Successful testing of a connection will turn the Test button to a     icon.

    Failed connection will display a "Not working" error with an option to Reconnect or see details about possible causes for the problem.

  • Repeat these steps for any other apps you intend to use in Zapier.

  • Repeat these steps to add additional Telebroad (or other apps) user accounts.

Creating Zapier Zaps

Creating Zaps can be done in two very similar methods. The difference between the two is that the Dashboard setup breaks the process into two screens, while the Make a Zap! link methods combines these two screens.

In the Dashboard method, the first screen is used for selecting the apps, trigger, and action and on the second screen we select accounts in the apps and edit app particular fields and options. The steps for editing the Telebroad account will always be the same. 

We show the Dashboard method in details here because it breaks the process down. See a brief overview below of the link method.

Steps on the Dashboard Screen

  • Select the Dashboard tab on the Home page.

  • In the Connect this app... field start typing Telebroad and select it from the list of matches that appears.

  • In the with this one! field enter and select an app to integrate Telebroad with (you can also just click in the field to see popular apps). We will integrate with Gmail as an example here.

    You can select Gmail first and Telebroad later. It doesn't matter. You can also select Telebroad in both fields to create automations only within the TeleConsole.

  • Two new fields appear.

    Click and select a trigger from the list in the When this happens... field.

    Click and select an action in the then do this! filed.

  • Both Telebroad and Gmail triggers and actions are available in both fields, meaning you can you can use triggers in Gmail to make actions in Telebroad (in the TeleConsole) and vice versa.

    At the moment available Telebroad triggers are User Call Ended (it triggers when either the user hangs up or someone who called him ends the call) and New Text Messages. Available Telebroad actions is Send Text Message. We will be adding more triggers and actions in the near future.

    In the example shown here we will use the User Call Ended trigger with the Send Email Gmail action.

  • Click Use Zap to edit the trigger and action.

Editing a Telebroad Account

  • If you have not set up an app account in advance (see above), you will be asked to do so now. Click Sign in to Telebroad (or to any other app you selected) and enter your login credentials in the screen that opens.

  • Otherwise enter a name of a registered account in the Search & Select... field or click the field and select an existing account from the list.

    Click CONTINUE.

  • Next, click in the Select your phone field and select an available phone line for the user. Both the phone number and extension (if available) are shown.

    You can also search for a line or enter a specific one by clicking the Use a Custom Value (advanced).

    Click CONTINUE.

  • You will now be given a choice to find if data exists for the selected phone line by testing and reviewing call history records (helpful to see if the user works with relevant clients or phone numbers).

    Click SKIP TEST to continue without testing or click TEST & CONTINUE to find data without reviewing it.

    Click TEST & REVIEW to display an available list of call histories. Select a call history to expand and review it. Click next to a list to update it with recent records.

    Click Done Editing to proceed to editing the second app.

Sample Steps for Editing a Gmail Account

  • Select a Gmail account you registered in Zapier in advance or Sign in to Google to register one. This is the same as the first step for editing a Telebroad account.

  • The next tab asks you to customize different fields of the email for content, delivery details, and even attachments.

    Most fields are optional. If you leave the To field empty the email will be delivered to the address of the account you signed with, however you must fill at least one field from among To, Cc, or Bcc to be able to continue.

  • Scroll down to reveal and fill the two required fields - Subject of the email and Body (content of the email).

  • You can click     next to some fields to insert data from the call history selected above for the Telebroad account.

    Click and next to some fields to add or remove item lines.

  • Click CONTINUE.

  • You will now be given a choice to test the email address by sending a test email.

    Click SKIP TEST to continue without testing or click TEST & CONTINUE to perform a test without displaying the test results.

    Click TEST & REVIEW to test and display the test results.

  • Click Done Editing to finish editing the Zap.

  • A toggle to turn on the Zap will appear at the bottom of the screen. Toggle it on here or do so later in the Zaps Controls screen. You can see details about the Zap activity in the Task History tab (see next).

Creating a Zap with the Make a Zap! Link

The Make a Zap! link on the upper-right corner is available on most screens saving you the need to navigate to the Dashboard tab.

Note that you need to name the Zap (the Dashboard method names it automatically.)

One advantage to this method is that the list of the apps you follow is shown so, for example,  you can click Telebroad instead of having to search for it.

You select the first app and a trigger and set up all the relevant account details then select the second app and action and set up the account details. It's all done on one screen in a sequence. Otherwise the process is the same as in the Dashboard method.

Task History

The Task History tab shows a list of details about actions and triggers performed by each Zap. The list provides the Status of Zap after it ran, it's apps and name, a Status Reason (in case of unsuccessful action), and the Date/Time the Zap was triggered.

Possible Zaps statuses are:

  • Success - the Zap ran and completed its action successfully.

  • Filtered - the Zap had a filter that prevented it from continuing.

  • Stopped - the Zap ran into an error while running. If a Zap hits too many errors in a row, it will be automatically paused.

  • Waiting - the Zap is waiting to complete. Zaps that have a Delay step or are scheduled to Autoreplay will have this status.

  • Playing - the Zap is currently running.

  • Holding - the Zap is being held for one of a few reasons.

Click any Zap item to display more specific details about it, showing both the trigger and action parts. On each you can click Data In or Data Out to see information passed between the two apps.

Check the box next to one or several Zaps or use the selection menu on top to select Zaps shown (on the page), Select all Zaps, or Deselect all. When you make any selection the the filters options on the top will be replaced with Zap options. Click Play to run the action of the selected Zaps again (this only applies to failed Zaps, not successful ones), or you Delete or Download them. 

You can narrow down the history list with the filters options on the the top of the screen (don't confuse these with filters applied to a Zap itself. The filters here are just for displaying a more concise history list.)

With the Zaps Filter you can select All Zaps (the default choice) or only My Zaps (private Zaps), Shared Zaps, or any specific Zap by name.

With the Status Filter you can select Everything (all statuses - the default choice) or only Success, Filtered, Stopped / All (both Errored or Halted), Stopped / Errored, Stopped / Halted, Waiting / All (both delayed and scheduled), Waiting / Delayed, Waiting / Scheduled, Playing, and Holding.

In the Date Filter select either a date range or a specific date (by double clicking on the same day).

You can click     to refresh the results shown on the page or     to remove all the filters you applied and display all available Zaps.

Managing Zaps

Select the My Zaps tab from the Home page to manage your Zaps. Here you can organize your Zaps in folders, control and edit them, and share them with members of your team.


Zaps can be stores in your Private Folders or in Shared Folders that are available to members of your team. Deleted Zaps appear in the Trash folder.

By default Zaps will be stored in your private Home folder.

Click    to add a new private or shared folder, name the new folder and press enter or click .

You need to add at least one shared folder to be be able to start sharing. 

Click the name of any folder to make it active. It will turn blue and the Zaps it contains will appear on the right side of the screen.

If you hover on or select the number of Zaps next each folder's name (zero for some) it will turn to     and give you some options for the folder.

For the Home and Trash folders the only option is to Export the Zaps inside them. The Zaps in the folder will be downloaded to your local drive as a JSON file. Exporting can be also done for all Zaps from Data Management tab under Settings or for individual Zaps after selecting them on this screen (see below).

For the other private folders you have the options to Rename the folder, Delete it, or Share it which will move the folder to the Shared Folders area.

For Shared Folders you can also Rename a folder, Delete it, or Share (it) With.... which will open a window where you can select team members to share the folder with.

Zaps Controls

In this area you can see the app icons for each Zap automation and a short description of what it does.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen to see Drafts - Zaps you have not completed yet. 

Click or tap the toggle next to each zap, , to turn it from off state (the action of the Zap is paused) to on state (the Zap is active) and vice versa.

Click    next to each Zap to display options for it:

  • Edit  - will take you to the Zap editing screen, where you can modify accounts, properties, etc.

  • Rename - self explanatory.

  • Share Zap - generates a link that can be used to share the Zap. Accounts, data & task history are not shared in this method.

  • Move to Folder... - you can use this to move Zaps out of the Trash or between folders.

  • Task History - opens the Task History tab where you can observe all the actions triggered by the Zap.

    The tab will open with the name of the selected Zap applied as a filter, showing only relevant results for it.

  • Copy - duplicates the Zap in the same folder, allowing you to quickly edit it with similar triggers and actions.

  • Trash - self explanatory.

You can check the box next to one or several Zaps and then Trash or Export it with the buttons on top of the screen. Click   to display selection options - Select paused (toggle is in off state), Select drafts, Select all Zaps, or Deselect all Zaps.


If you have skipped the product tour after creating your Zapier account you can still set up your profile afterwards. 

Click the Following 0 apps (or any number that appears there) next to the icon on the Dashboard tab to change the apps you are following (you can select more than three apps here.) 

To change your company role, click the acronym of your name or your avatar picture on the top right and then select Settings.

The Settings screen will open with on the My Profile tab. A drop-down list lets you change your company Role, another one lets you change the Timezone where you work from. Click the Email, Password, First Name, Last Name, and Company to change or add information. Email and Password changes will require you to confirm your existing password first. You can also click the Change your Gravatar link to set up your profile picture via the Gravatar service.  

Click    to access more settings tabs.

Email Notifications

On this tab you can set choices for receiving email alerts for Activity Summary - the tasks Zapier has performed, Failed Trigger(s), or Failed Action(s). Select the delivery frequency in each field or disable it completely by selecting Never.

Check or uncheck the boxes next to each Newsletter item you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to, or you can click Unsubscribe from all and confirm.  


This tab includes the following options:

  • Two-Factor Authentication - adds extra protection to your account by requiring  a One Time Pin sent to your mobile device is entered upon login, in addition to your password.

  • Authorized Applications - lets you see applications that Zapier has been authorized to access on your behalf and the option to disconnect this access.

  • SSL Check - SSL certificates guarantee the integrity and security of web sites and the API requests and responses Zapier uses for communicating with them. Zapier has a list of trusted Certificate Authority providers it works with.

    It is possible in some cases you have an app or domain that uses a legitimate CA that is not on this list. This will result in a "certificate verify failed" error. In this case you can check the Disable SSL Certificate Checks box, meaning Zapier will not check SSL certificate validity anymore.

    You should only do this as a last resort. Disabling SSL checks may enable an attacker to manipulate the data sent to Zapier or eavesdrop on data sent out of Zapier to websites with said SSL certificates. If you disable SSL checks and adding an account still yields an SSL error, it's highly recommended that you revert the option back to enabled.

  • Sign In With - lists providers, such as Google or Facebook, that let you login to your Zapier account with needing a separate email/password combination.

  • Delete my account - lets you delete your Zapier account. You will need to confirm by providing your password.

Data Management

In this tab you can export and import Zaps  (exporting can also be done from the My Zaps tab) or, in compliance with GDRP regulations, export or delete data collected by them.


Click the ACCOUNT drop-down list to select between options for your personal Zapier account or your company's Team account.

For your personal account you have a single screen for Billing and Usage, where you can change your Zapier plan, payment details, and invoicing information.

For the Team account you have two screens. In the Organization screen you can add members to the team (just like in the Members screen), move Zaps between team members, or leave the organization (the team). The Members screen shows all members of the team and lets you send email invitation with a special link to ask people to join the team.