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The Post/send/sms request allows you to use your Telebroad account to send an SMS message to a recipient with a mobile phone, another Telebroad account, or a VoIP line that supports SMS messaging.


There are no parameters in the header. All parameters go in the body in JSON Raw format.

Basic parameters

sms_linestringThe user's SMS line that will be used for sending the message.

You can get this from the GET/myProfile request.
receiverstringThe number of the intended recipient of the message.

Use a valid North American number format including the '1' country code.

Short numbers are not supported and international numbers cannot be used.
msgdatastringThe text content of the SMS message.

Additional MMS parameters

Use these additional parameters to send a file attachment as a multimedia message.

The main parameter to add multimedia functionality to the message is "media". It is a JSON array that contains all the other relevant parameters for the message.

mediaarrayA JSON array containing the other relevant multimedia parameters. 
(type can also be used)
stringThe type and format of media sent with the message. For example a JPEG image or a WAV audio file.

The syntax is image/png,  audio/wav, video/mp4, application/pdf, etc.

Although this is also included in the base64 information for image files, without this parameter the preview of the message on the recipient's side may not display properly.
namestringThe name of the file attached to the MMS message.
icon (optional)stringAn icon to identify the attached file.

If the recipient is a VoIP number the icon might not show.

Possible values:

image the icon will look like the attached image file itself. Use this for image attachments.

insert_drive_file the icon will be a general "download file icon" -> . Use this for any other file attachments other than images.

If the parameter is not included in the request, the message preview on the recipient's side may not display properly but he can still retrieve the content itself.
size(optional)stringYou can indicate the size of the attached file in Bytes, KB, or MB.

If the recipient is a VoIP number the size might now show.

It is helpful to let the receiver know how big the file is before he downloads it.


stringThe data for the MMS message encoded as base64 format text string.

Use compressed for image attachments. This also includes the type and format of the media (same as "type") with this syntax - data:image/png;base64,

Use value for all other file types. You don't have to include the ;base64 syntax here.

Converting a file to base64 can be easily done with one of many online converters, such as this one. After performing the conversion simply copy and paste the resulting string into the data field. Note that the resulting string may be many pages long, especially for a PDF file.


Basic SMS

To send the SMS message "Hello world" from SMS line 1-646-702-4430 to 1-323-444-7299 use this syntax:

HTTPS method: POST




{"sms_line":16467024430,"receiver":13234447299,"msgdata":"Hello world"}


See below.

MMS Message

To send an image and a messages saying "The data you requested" from SMS line 1-646-702-4430 to 1-323-444-7299 use this syntax:

HTTPS method: POST




{"sms_line":16467024430,"receiver":13234447299,"msgdata":"The data you requested","media":"[{\"name\":\"info.png\",\"size\":\"23.7KB\",\"icon\":\"image\",





















Responses and Errors

The message was sent successfully.

It is not possible to verify if the receiving number can accept SMS/MMS messages. As long as the message had been sent out no errors will be reported.


"error": null,

"result": true


There was a problem sending the message:



"code": 444,

"message": "Failed to send message


There was a problem with the base64 text string. Because there is a checksum verification, it is enough that even one character in the string is missing or wrong for an error to be generated.

Try encoding the base64 data again and copy-paste it into the request.

"error": { "code": 444, 

"message": "Failed to send message: Malformed attachment" } }

Check that you entered the correct numbers for the user's SMS line and the recipient. Make sure both numbers are correct and have the '1' country code.

 Note that you may get this message even if both numbers are correct but there is an error with the syntax or format of the request (like a redundant double quotes or curly brackets) that prevent the request from reading the numbers. 


  "error": {

    "code": 444,

    "message": "Invalid SMS Line"




error: { code: 400, 
message: sms_line is required, receiver is required. } 