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  4. Telebroad System Features for All Poly VVX Telephone Models
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  Telebroad system features only work if you have an active Telebroad account! If you don't have one, please contact us to get you started with one of our service plans. Otherwise please contact Poly support or your current business communication provider for assistance.

You can use your phone as an intercom to connect directly to another party in your company. 


An intercom call is different than a regular call in the sense that it connects immediately with the speakerphone enabled. There is no ringing on the recipient's side and he does not get a choice to answer or decline the call. But to give him a notice about it, his phone will beep once before the call connects 

An intercom call will not go through if the recipient is on another call!

  Note the distinction between the intercom feature (used inside an office) and the intercom functionality used with door phones and keypads (for communication and access for people entering your office). You can read more about the latter here.


To make an intercom call with a Telebroad dial code:

  • When the phone is idle, press 7 on the dial pad.

  • Enter the recipient’s number or extension.

    For example, if the extension is 101 dial 7101.

  • To end the call lift and put down the handset or press the Speakerphone button.

Poly phones also have a built-in intercom function that you can try if the Telebroad dial code does not work. See relevant articles for VVX 301/311, VVX 401/411, VVX 601, VVX 250/350/450, and Trio 8300/8800/C60 conference phones.