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Poly VVX 601 Phone Views – Home, Calls, Lines, Active Call

Changing Phone Views

The Poly VVX 601 phone has four main views (screens): Home, Calls, Active Call, and Lines view (which is the default view).

To change views:

  • For Home view, press  .

  • From Home view,  press   to display either Lines, Calls, or Active Call view.

  • To switch between the Lines view and either the Calls or the Active Call view, swipe the screen to the right or left.

The views you can access depend on the number of calls your phone has, and if your phone has an active call or not.

Status Bar Information and Icons

At the top of each view is a status bar that shows the date and time, and—depending on what view you’re in—your phone line, and icons that you can tap to access messages or recent calls. 

If your phone has information you should know about, icons and/or messages will scroll, together with the date, under the time display. 

Additional icons may display in the status bar, such as the DND (Do Not Disturb) and Warning icon, that you can tap.

Home View

You can display the Home view by pressing  . The Home view displays your phone line, and icons you can tap to access phone features, settings, and information.

Home view Pages and Icons

At the bottom of the Home view is a Page Indicator that shows the current page you are looking at on the Home view. Swipe the screen right or left to change pages and view additional icons.

You can also press and hold the indicator to control how many icons are displayed on a page. Press and hold it once to show all icons. Press and hold it again to show fewer icons.

Press the Down or Up arrow key to navigate the pages in the Home view. Press the Right or Left arrow key to move between the icons. Select an icon/option by pressing Select.

The Home view displays the following icons/options:

  • New Call tap to display the dialer for placing a call.

  • Messages  access your voicemail.

  • Directories  access your Contact Directory and Recent Calls list. You may also be able to access a Corporate Directory and Buddy Status List, if they’re set up on your phone.

  • Forward  set up forwarding options for incoming calls.

  • DND – toggle DND (Do Not Disturb) on or off. When DND is enabled, your phone won’t ring and incoming calls will be routed to voicemail.

  • Settings  access phone features and settings to customize your phone.

Additional icons may include Applications to access a menu of custom applications and Calendar to show a calendar with your meeting details. Using the Calendar feature, you can also join meetings directly from your phone.

Additional Lines and Favorites

From the Home view, tap the phone line, at the top-left corner), to display additional phone line(s) and favorites.

You can tap a phone line to open the Dialer, or tap a favorite to dial the favorite. To go back to the Home view icon tap Close.

Lines View

The Lines view is your phone’s default display. To display the Lines view, press   from the Home view.

The Lines view displays your phone line(s), your favorites, and soft keys.

If your phone is idle, you can:

  • Tap a phone line to access the Dialer.

  • Swipe to switch between the Lines view and the Idle Browser (if available it displaysa  non-interactive Web content on the idle screen).

If your phone has ongoing calls, the phone line indicates the number of calls you have, and if they’re active or held. 

An active call has a green bar next to it. Held call(s) has a flashing red bar next to it. To display your call(s), press and hold the phone line, or swipe the screen left or right.

Active Call View

If you have an active call in progress you can access the Active Call view. 

If you’re in the Home view, you can display the Active Call view by pressing   or by tapping   in the status bar.

To switch between the Lines view and the Active Call view, swipe the screen right or left.

The Active Call view displays the name and number of the person you’re talking with and the duration of the call. From the Active Call view you can manage the call: Hold, End, or Transfer it. 

You can also set up a conference call with the person you’re talking with and another party by tapping Confrnc. This will put the call on hold so you can call the other party.

Calls View

You can access the Calls view if your phone has multiple calls in progress, or you have one held call. If you’re in the Home view, you can display the Calls view by pressing   or by tapping   in the status bar.

To switch between the Lines and the Calls view, swipe the screen right or left.

Scroll to see all your calls. If your phone has multiple lines, calls are displayed under the associated line.

The following colors indicate the call status on your phone:

  • Dark green active call.

  • Dark blue  incoming and held calls.

  • Bright green active call is highlighted.

  • Bright blue incoming or held call is highlighted

Tap a call to select and highlight it. Tapping a soft keys applies to the highlighted call.