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Hosting Conference Calls

The phone’s conference feature allows you to easily create a conference with other parties. You can create a conference between an active call and a call on hold. The conference management feature allows you to view all parties in a conference and add, hold, remove, and mute specific conference parties.

The conference management feature is an optional feature and may not be supported on your particular system. For more information, contact your system administrator.

Setting up conference calls

When setting up a conference you can either dial the phone number directly or search for the number in the contact Directory or Call Lists.

To set up a conference call:

Call the first party.

Press Conference or the Confrnc soft key to create a new call. The active call is placed on hold.


  • Call the second party.


  •  When the second party answers, press Conference or the Confrnc soft key again to join all parties in the conference. An "Active:Conference" message is displayed.


  • (optional) Press Conference or the Confrnc soft key to add another party to the conference. The first and second party are put on hold.

    Call the third party.
     After the third party answers, press Conference or the Confrnc soft key again to join all parties in the conference.

    A conference similar to this one will now exist.

  •  Follow the same steps to add yet more parties to the conference, up to the allowed maximum.

If configured for single key-press conferences, all conference participants hear the  dial tone and ringback when the conference host places a call to a new party.

Managing Conference Calls

As seen above, the "Active:Conference" message is displayed when you are in an active conference.


To manage a conference call:
  • Press the Manage soft key.


    The Manage Conference page appears, listing the participants in the conference.


    Pressing the More soft key will display three additional soft kets.  Remove - see belowInfo - to display additional information about the selected party , and Back - to exit the managment page.

Now select one of the following management features:
  •  To add a new party, press the Add soft key.

    Call another party as you would using Conference or the Confrnc soft key (outside the conference management feature). The other parties are put on hold. After the new party answers, press Conference again to join all parties in the conference.

    The Add soft key appears only if you can add more parties to the conference call. 
    Your system administrator determines the maximum number of conference participants. The default number is three.

  • To mute a party, select the party, then press the Far Mute soft key.

    The muted party can hear all parties, but no party can hear the muted party.

    If you press the Mute button instead of the Far Mute soft key, all other parties can hear each other, but they cannot hear you.


    Press the UnMute soft key to un-mute the party.


  • To place a party on hold, select the party, and then press the Hold soft key.

    The held party cannot hear any parties and no party can hear the held party.


    Press the Resume soft key to return the party to the conference.

    If the held party presses Hold on their phone, the party will remain on hold within the conference even if you press the Resume soft key.

  • To remove a party from the conference, press the Remove soft key.

    After a party is removed from the conference you need to press the Add soft key and follow the steps as detailed above. 

Adding Parties to Conference Calls

In addition to the option we just detailed in the management features, you can add a party to a conference using the Join soft key.

Let's assume you are currently hosting a conference call between a number of parties.

To add a party to a conference call using the Join soft key:

  • From the Manage Conference page, press Hold or the Hold soft key. The other parties in the conference call are placed on hold.

    If configured for local conference hold, the other parties in the conference call can  
    continue to speak with each other while you place the new call.

  • Press the New Call soft key and place a call to a new party.

  • After the new party answers, press the Join soft key.
  • All parties in the conference call can now hear each other.


Joining Conferences

Previously you set up two separate conference calls between a number of parties. Only one conference can be active at a time.

From the idle display, press the Join soft key. Both conferences are joined into a single five-way conference.

Splitting Conference Calls

From the Active Conference page, press the More soft key, and then the Split soft key to split the conference.

All calls are split into individual calls and put on hold.

Ending Conference Calls

From the Active Conference page, press the EndCall soft key or hang up. The other parties will continue to be connected.