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Voicemail to Email

  Telebroad system features only work if you have an active Telebroad account! If you don't have one, please contact us to get you started with one of our service plans. Otherwise please contact Yealink support or your current business communication provider for assistance.

Voicemail to email is a system feature that converts voicemails to audio files attachment and delivers them to your inbox for easy playback and listening. This gives you access to your voicemails from any location where you can check your inbox. It also provides records of basic caller ID info  duration of the voicemail and the number it came from.

The feature is not enabled by default. Contact us in advance before you plan on starting to use it.

Avoiding Duplicates The Delete Link

When you listen to a voicemail on your phone you get the option to delete it. But when you open and play the voicemail attachment it will still remain on your phone and in your TeleConsole account.  This creates duplicates and may require you to listen to voicemails again from your phone before you delete them.

To address this, every voicemail email comes with a link that allows you to delete it from the system. When you click this link the original voicemail will be deleted and will not be available on your phone or in any TeleConsole client you are logged to.