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Poly VVX 301/311 – Do Not Disturb

Enabling Do Not Disturb (DND) stops your phone from ringing and sends all incoming calls directly to voicemail. All calls you receive while DND is enabled are logged to your Recent Calls list.

DND Indicators

When you enable Do Not Disturb, the following happens:

  • The Do Not Disturb icon displays in the status bar.

  • If your phone is idle, the   icon displays next to your phone line in Lines view (If you have new messages or forwarding enabled, the messages or forwarding icon will display instead.)


  • The DND icon in the Home view,  changes as shown here:


If you’ve set your presence status to Do Not Disturb and enabled DND for your phone, the message "My Status: Do Not Disturb" will appear instead the date display and the DND icon won’t display in the status bar.

Enabling/Disabling DND

To toggle Do Not Disturb on and off:

Do one of the following:

  • From the Home view, press the DND soft key once to enable the feature. Press it again to disable it.

  • Or, if your phone is idle, press the DND soft key (if it is shown) to enable the feature. Press it again to disable it.
Using Do Not Disturb with Multiple Lines

By default, the Do Not Disturb feature applies to all lines on your phone. However, your phone may be set up so that you can enable the feature on a per-line basis.

To enable or disable Do Not Disturb for a particular line:

  • From the Home view, press the DND soft key.

  • From the Line Select screen, use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a line.

  • From the Do Not Disturb screen, select Enable or Disable.

  • You can also press Set All to automatically enable Do Not Disturb for all lines or press Clear All to automatically disable the feature for all lines.