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Call Monitoring, Call Whisper, and Barge in

These are three variations of a feature that allows administrators (or authorized users) to listen to other users' calls. They provide an important tool for coaching and assisting new employees, improving the professionalism of existing agents, and ensuring a better call experience for customers.

Call monitoring: This is the most basic variation, complementing the call recording function. It gives an administrator the option to listen to a conversation before deciding if and when to start recording it. 

When listening in on calls, the monitoring administrator's line is muted so neither the agent nor the client can hear him.

To monitor a call dial *60 + the extension number. For example, for extension 101 you would dial *60101. Alternatively you can use the Join Call call action (see "Barge in" below) and just mute the resulting conference call on your end.


Call whisper: This allows the administrator to provide live advice and pointers to an agent. The administrator's line is unmuted but the audio is only delivered to the agent's line. The client is unable to hear the administrator's comments and is not even being aware that the administrator is "whispering" to the agent. 

This functionality of this feature depends on your setup and it would obviously not work if the agent has the conversation on a speaker (the audio will be picked up by his microphone and get delivered to the client). Please call or email our support team if you need to have this feature activated on your system.

Barge in: In this method of call monitoring, the administrator's line is fully unmuted and he can take full control of a call. Both the agents and client will be able to hear him. This is helpful if an employee is providing incorrect information or is potentially losing a customer.

Barge in is available from either the ACD panel or from Analytics by using the Join Call call action.