The User Dashboard provides detailed statistics about users in relation to calls they received. It works in a very similar manner to the Group Dashboard.
Access it by selecting User Dashboard from the Analytics menu.
The dashboard will launch with the default settings. It has many choices, but the basic selection you need to make works like this:
Selecting Users (1)
Click the Users drop-down menu to select users the dashboard's statistics will be for. The default choice is All Users, meaning the data from all users will be combined for the statistical calculations.
The users available for selection depend on filters (see section 3 below), which also allow you to select multiple users. Additionally only users which actually had some useful data in the relevant time frame are available for selection here. If a user had absolutely no calls in the selected time frame than it is will not shown.
The color of the name of the user is the same color his data will be displayed in the columns and doughnuts charts.
Also some users are displayed with muted colors to indicate only partial data exists for them in the selected time frame.
There is an important distinction to note here:
By selecting All Users (or more than one agent using filters) you will indeed see a statistical breakdown for each user showing you, for example, which user is busier.
But by selecting a specific user you will see a statistical breakdown only for him showing further breakdown to different call types.
Selecting a Time Frame (2)
This drop-down menu lets you pick a time frame the dashboard's statistics will be applied for. The predefined choices are Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, and Last Month.
You can input any time frame of your choice by selecting Custom. This will open a window prompting you to enter two date and time ranges. You also need to name this custom time frame and Save it. It will be available under this name from the drop-down menu until you log out or refresh your web page.
After saving a custom time frame click the pen icon next to its name to edit it. Click the name itself will apply it.
Selecting Data and Charts (3)
Click the funnel icon on the top right to to access the Filter & Settings menu and select what data values and charts will be displayed on the screen.
The icon to the left of it, with the two arrows, is used to refresh the data. That is, once some time passed and new calls have arrived, you will want to refresh the data relating to those calls.
The Filter & Settings menu has three sub-menus Filter by Agent, Set Data Values, and Charts to Display. The selection you make here directly affect the rest of the displayed data.
Set Data Values
Set the summary data to be displayed in the information bar as shown above. Check data that you want to be included in the information bar and uncheck data that you want to be removed from the bar. The information bar can show a maximum of six data values. Once you have six data values selected you will have to uncheck one to add another.
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Charts to Display
Here you select what data charts will be displayed. Check-mark charts windows that you want to be displayed and uncheck charts that you want to be removed from the screen.
Column Chart by Users - if only one user is selected, the chart will display a breakdown of calls type or related phone numbers for the user based on the selected data value during the selected time frame. Hover your mouse on any of the columns to display a text bubble with an exact data value for the column.
If All Users or more than one user is selected, the chart will show a breakdown for the data value per user in the selected time frame.
Doughnut chart by users - if only one user is selected, the chart will display a breakdown of calls type or related phone numbers for the user based on the selected data value during the selected time frame. Hover your mouse on any of the doughnut sections to display a text bubble with an exact data value for the section.
If All Users or more than one user is selected, the chart will show a breakdown for the data value per user in the selected time frame.
Line chart by time- a line chart for all selected users in the selected time frame showing the relation between the data value and points in time. Click on the green arrow icons on the left or right to scroll the window. Hover your mouse anywhere the line changes an angle or at the edge of the window to display a text bubble with an exact figure for that time point. There are four such points in the example shown here, marked by red circles.
Line Chart works the same regardless of your user selection - be it one, multiple or All Users. Here we see "5 calls" at the 17th of the month. This could be 5 calls for just Alexander Garcia, or 5 calls for all users in all groups for that particular date.
Column chart by time - column chart for all selected users in the selected time frame showing the relation between the data value and points in time. Click on the green arrow icons on the left or right to scroll the window. Hover your mouse on any column to display a text bubble with an exact figure for that time point.
Column Chart works the same regardless of your agent selection - be it one, multiple or All Users. Here we see a total talk duration "03:10:53" at the 15th of the month. This could be the duration for just say Alexander Garcia or for all users in all groups for that particular date.

- Phone Number - of the caller and his caller ID.
- Called number - the number where the call arrived at. For calls arriving from external sources this is usually the Auto Attendant Main Menu.
- Type - the type of the call. It can be internal, incoming, or outgoing.
- Status - was the call answered, canceled by the caller, or ended up in a mailbox. It can also be Chanunavil that indicated the call was routed to a communication Chanel that cannot provide a status information for it.
- User - the name of the User that handled it.
- Time - the time the call took place.
- Talk Duration - talk duration for the call.
Click on the full screen icon on the right side to expand the window or to shrink it back to normal size. Unlike the chart windows, you cannot move the Related Call Log window. It will always appear in the bottom of the screen.

Next to each category, except for Phone number, there are a pair of small sorting arrows -. Click a pair once to sort the category in ascending order. Click again to sort it by descending order. Click on another category to resort the list accordingly.
Which category is currently selected for sorting? This is indicated by the category having only one arrow next to it, instead of a pair. In the example above this is the Status category, marked by a red arrow.
Click on the Full Screen icon on the top right corner of a chart window to resize it to a full screen. All other charts and data will be hidden. To return the window to regular screen click the same icon that now looks like - .
Click on the Width icon on the top left corner of a chart window to extend it horizontally and occupy the full length of the screen. All other charts and data will shift to accommodate the extra width. To shrink the window width back to regular size click the same icon that now looks like - .
The full width window includes more time points and the perspective of the chart may look different. In the example above it seems we had a strong peak on the 5th of the month. But when expended to full width we see that, compared to the peaks on the 14th and the 17th, the data from the 5th (marked by red ellipse) was actually rather low in magnitude.
To move a chart window, click anywhere inside it, hold the mouse button, and and then start dragging it around. The queue will become translucent. Move it over over another chart window that you want to switch places with. The chart window you will be switching places with will have red borders to indicate it is selected. Let go of the mouse button and the windows will switch places.
If you start dragging immediately, your browser may think you are trying to highlight text. Therefore click, wait a moment, and then start dragging.
Unlike the Users Menu where you can only select All Users or one specific user, the Filter by Users menu allows you to select multiple uses at once. Check and uncheck the users you want to work with and click FILTER. All the users you have filtered will immediately display in all open charts.
Only the checked users will be available in the Users Menu. This means that when you select All Users after filtering you are not really selecting all the existing users in Analytics but just those that you have filtered.
Click CLEAR to remove the filter and make all the users available in the Users menu.
So if you have Answered Calls clicked we will get a chart window that breaks down calls.
And if we click Total Call Duration we will get a chart window that breaks down duration.
Remember... if you have several users or All users selected, as in the above examples, the data in all the charts displayed will directly relate to the clicked data value as they apply for the users. Simple enough. Answered Calls will display a breakdown of calls value per user in all charts. Canceled will display a breakdown of canceled calls per user in all charts etc.
But if only one user is selected, the chart windows displays a breakdown of the data value into types of calls as they relate to the user.