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Poly Trio – Recording Calls

  Before making a recording, it is very important to inform all parties that you are going to record the conversation and ask for their consent to do so. In some US states and in Canada only one participant needs to provide consent for a call recording while in other states the law requires all participants to provide consent. To be on the safe side, please familiarize yourself with the legal requirements relevant to you, especially if you are making interstate calls. 

USB Flash Drive Requirments

To record calls on your Trio phone you need to insert a USB flash drive into the USB port of the phone.

If your phone doesn’t detect the drive when you insert it into the USB port, ask your administrator to verify that the USB port on the phone is enabled!

Don’t remove the USB flash drive while recording. Doing so may corrupt the file, preventing you from playing it back later. Removing the USB flash drive while recording can also damage the flash drive.

Recordings Format and Details

Recordings are saved as .wav files that can be replayed on the phone or on a computer. You can record up to four hours in one .wav file. 

Phone tones generated by call recipients or conference participants are also recorded.

When you mute your microphone while recording, only the other participants’ audio is recorded.

All incoming calls you answer after you start a recording are also recorded in the same file. 

Making and Controlling a Recording

  • During an active call, start recording by selecting   (Menu) and .

    The recording icon is displayed at the top of the Call screen.

  •  Select     and   to pause the recording.

    The pause icon is displayed at the top of the Call screen.

  • Select     and    to reseume a paused recording.

  • Select     and    or select Hang Up to stop an active recording.

    The recording also stops when the active call ends, no matter who ended the call.

Browsing and Playing Recorded Calls

You can browse recorded files stored on the USB flash drive connected to supported phones.

  • Navigate to Settings>Features>Removable Storage Media >Browse Recordings.

    A list of recordings is shown.

  • Select a recording and select Open>Play to play the recording.

    The length of the recording and a progress bar displays as the recording plays.

  • To pause the recording, select Pause.

    Select Resume to continue playing a paused recording.

    When you receive an incoming call while playing a recording, the phone automatically pauses the recording playback. If you don’t answer or reject the incoming call, the recording remains paused until you select Resume.

  • Select Exit to stop playing a recording.

Renaming and Deleting Recordings

By default, recordings are labeled with the date of the recording. You can rename recordings to provide them with more meaningful names.

  • Navigate to Settings>Features>Removable Storage Media >Browse Recordings.

  • A list of recordings is shown.

  • To rename a recording select it, select Rename, update the name, and select OK.

  • To delete a recording select it, select Delete, and confirm the deletion when prompted.