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The Call Logs is a database of all calls received or made by all users in your company. You can select to display records from this database for a certain date and time period and further filters the displayed results. In addition call details the database also provides access to recordings of selected call flow segments.
Using the Call Logs screen you can review, sort, and search calls from any date. Select Call Logs from the Analytics menu to get started.
On the top-right corner of the Call Logs screen you can click to log out of your account (for security or to change accounts.)
Searching and Filtering
Click (Search and Filter) on the top-right corner to select a specific date and time range for displaying calls, searching records within this range, or to further narrow down the displayed calls within this range by applying filters.
After you enter some values click Search to update the results for the displayed calls accordingly. Click Clear to remove all filters and search values (the Filter By Date field will be reset to its default value - Today.)
You can combine several filter or search values to find very specific results to display. For example select the "Sales" group and then select a Yesterday 11AM-1PM date-time range.
"No Call logs found" will be displayed if your filter or search values cannot find any matching results in the Call Logs database. If this happens click Reset filters to remove all filters and search values (the Filter By Date field will be reset to its default value - Today) or click and adjust the search and filters values.
Date and Time Range
Click the Filter By Date field to change or set the date and time range for the displayed calls.
In the window that opens you can make a quick date range selection from the available presets by choosing from Today (the default option), Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, or Last Month.
To select a custom date range click once on the calendar to select the start date and then click a second time to select the end date.
You can change the displayed calendar month by clicking the arrow buttons - . If you click the Month-Year title of the calendar (JUL - 2019 in the example below) all the months will be displayed and you can click any to select one. Clicking the arrow buttons when the months selection option is shown will change the year!
Click the Time Start or Time End drop-down menus to change or set the time range.
Click to apply your date-time selection or Reset to clear it to Today.
Searching Phone Numbers
You can search for phone numbers within the date-time range you specified above.
Enter the phone numbers you want to find in the Search For Phone Number field. You can enter phone numbers of any length from a single digit to full ten-digits number. The example below will filter the call log list to display numbers starting with New York City's two most popular area codes - 212 and 917. But note that any phone number containing 212 or 917 will also be included!
Click X next to any phone number to clear it from the list. Don’t forget to delete all the searched numbers once you found the desired record, otherwise they will keep affecting the displayed results.
Use filters to further narrow down the displayed calls within the date and time range you selected above.
Filter By Company Phone Number - the company phone number refers to the caller ID assigned to a call by a user. Click in the field to make a selection from available phone numbers. You can also start typing a number to display possible matches.
Filter By Call Status - click and choose to display calls that had either an Answer or No Answer status or that were ended up being Mailboxed.
Filter By Call Type - click and select to display calls that were either Incoming from an outside caller, Outgoing to outside clients, or Internal calls between users in your company.
Filter By User - click and select to display calls from specific users. You can also start typing a user's name to display possible matches.
Filter By Group - click and select to display calls from specific groups. You can also start typing a group's name to display possible matches.
Call Details, Sorting, and Flow
Call Details
Each call log record contains the following details (more details are available in its call flow segments or by downloading the CSV file):
Phone Number - the phone number of the caller. For outgoing or internal calls, this may be either a phone number or a caller ID applied to the dialing user's line.
Called Number - the number dialed by the caller. For outgoing or internal calls, this may be either a phone number or a caller ID applied to the receiving user's line.
Type - same as direction of the call - either Incoming (from outside caller), Outgoing (to outside caller), or Internal (between two company users. This may include incoming calls that were transfered between users.)
Arrived To - the destination point on the PBX system where the call was routed to. For incoming or internal calls this will be the destination for the first segment. For outgoing calls this is usually the called number.
Date & time - the date and time the call was initiated.
Call time - the duration of the call, in minutes and seconds, for it's first segment. Additional call duration for the rest of the segments are shown in the call's flow (see next.) You may also see "No Answer" here for unanswered called
Recordings - recording are saved for some calls or segments and are indicated by .
Click anywhere on the call to show its flow details and click to open an audio player window for the relevant call segment. In the window you can click
to play or pause,
to mute the playback, or
to download an MP3 file of the recording (you can also and click
to down this file.) You can also scrub the playhead (
) to move forward and backward in the recording.
Note that by default the recording feature is not activated for every account. If you need it, please contact us to manually activate it for you
Notice the small arrows pair next to Type, Arrived To, Date & time, and Call time. These allow you to sort the list of calls. One click on any arrow pairs will sort its related category in ascending order, another click will sort it by descending order. Click on another arrows pair to resort the list accordingly.
The list can only be sorted by one category at a time. The category that is currently selected for sorting is indicate by a single arrow showing either the ascending or descending order (Date & time in the example.)
Call Flow
The call details shown for each call (see above) are only include its first segment. Click any call to expand it and display its Call Flow Details - a complete history of the groups, users, caller's IVR selections, and automatic distribution points the call was routed through.
In the example shown here, the call flow indicates that the call was first received by the "Auto Attendant Main Menu" (the company's main greeting and IVR), it was then moved to "Sales Department" where it was accepted by Emma Cummings who had a 36 seconds conversation with the client, before the call ended.
For each segment:
- The first column tells you were is the origin point of the segment (where it came from.)
- The second column shows who the segment's destination point (who received it or where it was routed to.)
- The third shows the time of it arrived at the destination point.
- The fourth shows the duration of holding or talking time.
As calls move through the flow, the "origin" continuously becomes the "destination". For example if a call is received by the Sales Department and moves to the Technical Support department, than the Sales Department is first the destination point and then it becomes the source point of the call is coming. If Technical Support further moves the call it will then become the new source point of the call etc.
Call Logs as a CSV File
Click to download the current call log records (as determined by your searching and filter selection) as a CSV file. The CSV file does not include any call recording information but it does list all the call flow segments and provides much more details for each, including:
- Call Identifier - a unique ID for each call. It is created by combining its start time (in Unix time format), direction and other values. Note that all segments of a call share the same Call Identifier!
- Date - the date for the start time for the call segment.
- Start Time - the start time for the call log segment.
- Caller Number or Name - phone number of the caller based on his caller ID. If it is not available, in the case his caller ID is blocked, his name will be used here (also for internal calls sometimes the name and number are idential on the PBX system).
- Caller Name - name of caller based on his caller ID. If it is not available his number will be used.
- Status - indication of the status of the call log segment in terms of connection between the source and destination points of the previous and current call flow legs. Possible responses include "answer","noanswer" (by the recipient), "cancel" (by the caller), "congestion" (too much traffic preventing a connection), "busy" (the recipient is on another call), or "chanunavail" - the destination communication channel is unavailable or the requested peer is not be registered.
- Call Direction - direction of the call segment, "in" for inbound call, "out" for outbound call, or "internal" for a segment that has been routed or transferred internally.
- Called Type - definition of the type of called point, where the caller originally dialed to or where the preceding call segment transfered the call to. Examples of type of points can be a specific department, a phone line, "ivr", "phone", "huntgroup", "voicemailbox", or "external" for outbound calls.
- Called Number or Name - the phone number or PBX name of the destination point for the current or previous leg. As a call progresses through a call flow this may be sometimes identical to called number.
- Dialed Number - the phone number of the destination point for the next leg where the call is going to be routed to. As a call progresses through a call flow this may be sometimes identical to the called number.
- Arrived to Type - a definition for the type of destination point (where the call was routed to) for the segment. Examples can be "ivr", "user, "queue", "external" etc.
- Arrived to Number or Name - the destination point for the segment where the call arrived to. It extends on the "Arrived to Type" with a more specific point. For example if the type is "user" than his name or number will be given here.
- Event Total Time - the total time (hours, minutes, seconds) for the call log segment including holding and talking time.
- Event Talk Time - the talk time (hours, minutes, seconds) for the call log segment.
- Total Time - an accumulation of total time (hold time+ talk time) for all preceding and current call log segments in hours, minutes, seconds.
- Total Talk Time - an accumulation of talk time for all preceding and current call log segments in hours, minutes, seconds.
- Call End Time - the date and time when the call ended.
The downloaded CSV file will look something like this (only four rows are shown here. The full file may depend on your searching and filter selection):
"Call Identifier",Date,"Start Time","Caller Number or Name","Caller Name",Status,"Call Direction","Called Type","Called Number or Name","Dialed Number","Arrived to Type","Arrived to Number or Name","Event Total Time","Event Talk Time","Total Time","Total Talk Time","Call End Time"
"1589949387.701748 ",05/20/2019,"12:36:27 PM","1 (212) 583-2122","ROBERT HARRISON",Answer,In,Number,"1 (212) 583-2122",16466991356,IVR,"Auto Attendant Main Menu",00:01:02,00:01:02,00:01:02,00:01:02,"05/20/2019 12:37:29 PM"
"1589949387.701748 ",05/20/2019,"12:36:33 PM","1 (212) 583-2122","ROBERT HARRISON",Answer,Internal,IVR,"Auto Attendant Main Menu",1409,Queue,"Sales Department ",00:00:56,00:00:56,00:01:02,00:01:02,"05/20/2019 12:37:29 PM"
"1589949387.701748 ",05/20/2019,"12:37:03 PM","1 (212) 583-2122","ROBERT HARRISON",Mailbox,Internal,Number,"1 (212) 583-2122",1113840,User,"Rick L. Goodwin",00:00:26,00:00:16,00:01:02,00:00:52,"05/19/2020 12:37:29 PM"