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The Welcome Dashboard Overview

The Welcome Dashboard provides an overall perspective and data about call volume as well as productive users. If you require more comprehensive data you would need to use Report.

The Welcome Dashboard act as the home screen for Analytics. You will always return here from any other menu. On the top right corner of the dashboard you have the Logout button -blob1477388649253.png.

On the top left you have the Analytics Menu button - . For information about the Analytics menu items and choices you can refer to the Getting Started and an Overview article.


To start working with the Welcome Dashboard you will initially select a date range for the data to be displayed by clicking    just below the Logout button. Select from Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, and Last Year. 

You can also select the start and end days for a Custom date range in the two calendars shown.


Analytics will do some number crunching and display the relevant data for the date range. On the top you will see four data fields listing the number of Incoming, Outgoing, and Missed calls for all groups in the date range.

You can also see the total of Groups Missed Calls which is a sum of all missed incoming, outgoing, as well as internal calls. 

Below is the Recent Call Activity chart displaying charts of inbound and outbound call volume over the selected date range. You can hide either by clicking on Inbound Calls or Outbound Calls. This will be indicated by hollow disc. Click again to unhide the chart. You can can only hide one of the charts at a time!

Hover your mouse pointer anywhere along the chart to display exacts details about the calls count at a particular date.



Click    on the top right side of the chart’s window to select a Time Frame within the selected date range. The content of the menu depends on your date range selection. For example, if your date range is set to Today than your time frame will offer a choice of the last hour, the last six hours, or the entire twenty-four hours. Similarly if you selected a date range of Last Year than your time frame choices will be the last month, the last six months, or the entire year.


Lastly at the bottom are the High Volume windows with both specific numbers and relative percentage of High Volume Phone Numbers, High Volume Groups, and High Volume Users.  The Phone numbers and Users have two entries each, one for inbound and one for outbound calls, while the Groups only list the total number of calls.

The mini-menus on the top right corner of each windows allow you to choose how many rows of information are to be displayed. Anywhere from one to six phone numbers, groups, or users.