Hover your mouse over to display five types of available reports you can create - Report By Group, Report by User, Report by Date/Time, Report by Phone Number, and Call History Report.
When the report screen initially opens, you will see three sample default reports that you can use as templates - for Group, User, and Date/Time.
Click next to each sample report to see relevant report options - Run to generate the report, Edit the data fields in it, create a Copy of it so you can make variations of it, or Remove it from the list of reports. You can also run a report just by clicking it.
If you created a new report click Run Report once you are finished customizing it (see sample windows below in any of the sections about the different reports).
After the report is generated click to Save (a) Template of it for future use. You can also Edit the data in it, make a Copy of it, or Remove it from the list of reports. If you try to exit the screen by clicking the arrow on the top left corner you will be asked if you want to save a template of the report or exit without saving. Exiting the screen takes you back to the list of reports.
Download an Excel file of the report by clicking .
When you create and save a new report or copy one of the sample reports all of the sample reports disappear and just your new or copied reports will show. If you delete all of your reports the sample reports will reappear.
Click to search the list of reports. Match results will be displayed as you type.
Report by User
Create or edit the User Report by filling or altering the following fields:
- Report Name - self explanatory.
- Report Description - self explanatory.
- Time Frame - select the time frame for the report from Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month, or Custom.
Selecting Custom will display two additional fields - From Date and To Date. Click on either and select a date range from the pop-up calendar window. You can change months with the arrows on the top-right and top-left corners. You can also select the start or end time for the custom time frame with the hours dial on the right side. Users - click in the Users field to bring up a drop-down menu and select different users the report will apply to. To remove a selected user click X next to his name. Check the All Users box to select all users and uncheck it to remove all of them (if not all users are selected the box shows
There is an option here called Total Users. While the All Users box will have data generated for each user separately, selecting Total Users will sum up the data for all the users and display it as one entry.
Report Column - select data columns from the drop-down menu. Click X next to a column's name to remove it from the list. Note that you can only select six columns at a time for each report.
Columns represent the actual data the report will display for the selected users in the selected time frame.
The columns available are:Total Answered Calls - the total number of calls each user answered.
Answered External Calls - the total number of external (inbound from outside callers) calls each user answered.
Answered Internal Calls - the total number of internal calls (from other company users) each user answered.
Answered Group Calls - the total number of calls that were dialed to the user's group that each user picked up.
Total Talk Time - the total added durations of the time each user talked on the phone.
Total Call Duration - the total added durations of calls (talking and holding) for each user.
Min Call Duration - the shortest duration measured among all calls (considering both talk and hold time) per user.
- Max Call Duration- the longest duration measured among all calls (considering both talk and hold time) per user.
- Avg Call Duration - the average call duration (holding time plus talk time) per user measured by taking the Total Call Duration and dividing it by the number of relevant calls.
- Total Missed Calls - the number of calls a user did not answer, both internal and external.
- Missed External Calls - the number of external (inbound from outside callers) calls a user did not answer.
- Missed Internal Calls - the number of external calls (from other company users) a user did not answer.
- Missed Group Calls - the number of calls dialed to each user's group that he failed to answer.
- Group Calls Answered By Others - the number of calls dialed to each user's group that were answered by other users in the group.
Answered by Mailbox - the number of calls each user did not answer and went to his mailbox.
Voicemail Returned Calls - the number of calls that resulted in a voicemail message in a user's mailbox that he returned a call to the person who left the message.
- Voicemail Not Returned Calls - the number of calls that resulted in a voicemail message in a user's mailbox that he did not return a call to the person who left the message.
- Total External Calls - the number of calls from external callers (inbound) received per user.
- Total Internal & Transfer Calls - the number of calls from from internal callers (other company users) or calls that were transferred to a user from other internal users. A call from external caller that is transferred to a user counts here as well.
- Total Outgoing Calls - the number of calls a user made to external numbers.
- Outgoing External Calls - the total number of calls dialed by user(s) to external numbers.
- Incoming External Calls - the total number of external calls from outside numbers to users, per user(s).
Scheduled Reports - set a schedule to run and generate the report automatically and email it to a designated address. By default this is off.
Click to select a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly schedule. More fields will appear. Enter the Time of the day, Day of the week, or Day of the Month respectively to set the time when the schedule is going to run.
As seen in the following example, scheduled reports appear a bit differently in the reports list. You can click on the bell icon next to a report to make it active () or inactive (
). In the mini-menu of a scheduled report you have the additional choice of Send Now to generate and send the report to its designated email address immediately.
Report by Group
Report Name, Report Description, Time Frame, and Schedule Reports work just same as in Report by User (see above.)
- Groups - Select the groups the report will apply for. As noted above for Users, if you check the All Groups box you will select all the available groups and a report will include information for each one separately. But if you select Total Groups from the drop-down menu you get one summarized entry for all the groups.
- Report Column - columns represent the actual data the report will display for the selected groups in the selected time frame.
The columns available are:- Calls Group Handled - the total number of calls (missed and answered) per group.
- Missed by Group - the total number of missed calls per group (unanswered calls in each group.)
- Answered by User - the total number of answered calls per group (unanswered calls in each group.)
- Total Users - the number of users assigned to a group (counted even if they are not signed in) during the selected time frame.
- Total Talk Duration -the total added durations of calls (talking and holding) for each group.
- Min Call Duration - the shortest duration measured for all calls (considering both talk and hold time) per group.
- Max Call Duration - the longest duration measured for all calls (considering both talk and hold time) per group.
- Avg Talk Duration - the average call duration (holding time plus talk time) per group measured by taking the Total Call Duration and dividing it by the number of relevant calls.
- Total Hold Time - the total durations of hold time for all calls in a group.
- Avg Hold Time - the average hold duration per user measured by taking the Total Hold Time and dividing it by the number of relevant calls.
- Min Hold Time - the shortest holding time measured among all calls per group.
- Max Hold Time - the longest holding duration measured among all calls per group.

Report Name, Report Description, Time Frame, and Schedule Report work just same as in Report by User (see above.)
- Phone Numbers - select the phone numbers the report will apply for. The phone numbers here refer to the company's phone number used - that is a caller ID applied to a user's line.
As noted above for Users, if you check the All Phone Numbers box you will select all the available numbers and a report will include information for each one separately. But if you select Total Numbers from the drop-down menu you get one summarized entry for all the numbers. - Feature Code - the feature code that was dialed (if any). A caller can reach a user by dialing either his phone number or feature code. Feature codes are like extensions and it is possible not all users will have one.
As noted above for Users, if you check the All Feature Numbers box you will select all the available numbers and a report will include information for each one separately. But if you select Total Numbers from the drop-down menu you get one summarized entry for all the numbers. - Report Column - columns represent the actual data the report will display for the selected groups in the selected time frame.
The columns available are:- Incoming Calls - the total number of calls from outside sources to users per phone number.
- Answered - the total number of answered calls per phone number.
- Missed - the total number of missed calls per phone number.
- Outgoing Calls - the total number of calls from outside sources to users per phone number.
- Total Call Duration - the total durations of all incoming and outgoing calls per phone number.
- Incoming Calls - the total number of calls from outside sources to users per phone number.
Report by Time
Report Name, Report Description, Time Frame, and Schedule Reports work just same as in Report by User (see above.)
- Report Layout - Select the time interval between each data row in the report.
- By Hour - every round hour.
- By half day - every 12 hours.
- By day - every 24 hours.
- By week - every 7 days.
- By month - every 30 or 31 days.
- By Hour - every round hour.
Report Data - the Report by Time basically combines Reports by Groups, Users, and Numbers but with a detailed breakdown for each possible time entry during the selected time period. Here you select if you want to have data columns relating to Groups, Users, Numbers or All available data columns.
If you select either Groups, Users, or Numbers, a new field will appear allowing you to choose the groups, users, or numbers the report will apply to.Report Column - what you see here depends on Report Data.
If Users is selected you will have a choice of the columns as described for Report by Users above.
If Groups is selected you will have a choice of the columns as described for Report by Group above.
If Numbers is selected you will have a choice of the columns as described for Report by Phone Number above.
If All is selected you will see a combination of Users, Groups, and Numbers.
Call History Report
Report Name, Report Description, Time Frame, and Schedule Reports work just same as in Report by User (see above.)
Otherwise this report is a bit different from the other reports in the sense that you don't select any report columns here. Also you do not run or save this report but instead you can only Download it as a CSV file that can be opened in Excel or a compatible application.
You can narrow down the calls the report will apply to with several filters:
- Filter by Status - select if you want the report to show All Calls, Answered calls, Not Answered calls, Answered by Voicemail.
- Filter by Type - select if you want the report to show only Outgoing calls, Incoming calls, Internal calls, or All Calls.
- Filter by Groups - select which groups you want the report to apply to. If you select All Groups, unlike the other reports, you will actually ask the report to show data from every group.
- Filter by Users - select which users you want the report to apply to. If you select All Users, unlike the other reports, you will actually ask the report to show data from every group.
- Filter By Company Number - a company's phone number used is a caller ID applied to a user's line. Select one from the list or select All Numbers to select all available caller IDs.
- Filter By Send Type - select Groups, Users, Feature Code, Numbers, or Queues. A new field will appear where you can select relevant entires. Note that while the above Groups/Users filters will show results from any relevant entry found, the Send Type filter will show results only for numbers that were routed to the relevant selection.
- Filter By Customer Number - enter a customer number(s) the report will show calls from.
the reports is generated it includes the following fields:
- ID - a unique identification number for each record in the report.
- Phone - the phone line that received or initiated the call.
- User - the name of the user that received or initiated the call.
- Time - the date and time of the call.
- Call ID - a unique identification number for the call (if more than one record share the same ID it means the call was transferred).
- Status - was the call answered, canceled, or ended up as a voicemail?
- Dir - direction of the call, either inbound or outbound.
- Type - was the call internal (between users) or external (between a user and an outside line).
- Caller Type - if the caller is a user this will say "phone". If the caller is an outside line this will say "external".
- Caller Number - the phone number of person initiating the call.
- Caller Name - the name of the person initiating the call. For external calls this is taken from the caller ID information that will is not always be available.
- Called number - the number that was called by the person who placed the call, or where it was transferred to.
- Feature Code - the feature code that was dialed (if any). A caller can reach a user by dialing either his phone number or feature code. Feature codes are like extensions and it is possible not all users will have one.
- Duration - total durations of the call including hold time and talk time.
- Talk Time - the duration of talk time for the call.