The GET/call/recording request returns a URL path for a downloadable MP3 audio recording of a particular call segment.
The returned response Include the following field:
- url - the URL path on the Telebroad server for the downloadable MP3 audio recording of a particular call segment.
Note the the URL has a bit of a non-standrad format as it is specifically designed for working with the Telebroad servers and APIs. Some browsers will accept it and some won't. If your browser doesn't just replace the beginning part "https:\/\/..." with "https://".
All parameters go in the header.
Parameter | Type | Operation |
callid | string | The ID for the call for which for the call recording is requested. You obtain this ID using the GET/call/flow request, where it looks like this - "callid":"1526062490.371076" |
uniqueid | string | A unique ID of the particular call flow segment for which the call recording is requested. You also obtain this ID using the GET/call/flow request, where it looks like this - "uniqueid": "1474440978.934821" |
To get the MP3 audio recording for a call segement "1587917545.183417" of call "1587917545.183417" use this syntax:
HTTPS method: GET
If the recording cannot be found (double check the details of callid and uniqueid) -
{ "code": 444,
"message": "Cannot find call"
Otherwise -
{ "url":