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GET/speeddials (results also include BLF)

The GET/speeddials request returns a list of programmed speed dial and BLF buttons, showing you which buttons are used to call which destinations. You can also use the result when setting up a new a button with the PUT/speeddial request.

The response has the following fields of information:

  • sdial  - the serial number of the next available Speed Dial button.   
  • stype - source type. It is "phone" for a specific line or blank value for shared speed dials. 
  • description - Self explanatory - a description of what the button does or whom does it dials.
  • dtype - destination type. Usually this is blank.
  • dname - the name of the destination recipient receiving the call dialled with the speed dial or BLF button.
  • customer - a custom ID assigned by the system to to the caller.
  • dnumber - the destination number dialled with the the speed dial or BLF button.
  • button - a blank value designates the button as a speed dial while "blf" designates it as a BLF.
  • id - a system ID for the button that can be used with the PUT/speeddial and DELETE/speeddial APIs.
  • snumber - source number. The telephone number the speed dial apply. Blank value for shared speed dials.


All parameters go in the header.

Use "phone" to display results for phone lines belonging to the user. Omit to show shared buttons. 
Use a specific telephone number to display buttons associated with it. Omit for shared buttons.


To get a list of all speed dial and BLF buttons for the user providing the credentials use this syntax:

HTTPS method: GET



"error": null, 



        {"sdial": "2", 

        "stype": "phone", 

        "description": "Main contact with the MVI supplies", 

        "dtype": "", 

        "dname": "Claire Anderson", 

        "customer": "1532", 

        "dnumber": "16465554472", 

        "button": "", 

        "id": "47858", 

        "snumber": "11138470


        {"sdial": "3", 

        "stype": "phone", 

        "description": "IT dept", 

        "dtype": "", 

        "dname": "Guy Grant", 

        "customer": "1532", 

        "dnumber": "11138401", 

        "button": "blf", 

        "id": "47858", 

        "snumber": "11138470


        {"sdial": "3", 

        "stype": "phone", 

        "description": "", 

        "dtype": "", 

        "dname": "Andy Thomas", 

        "customer": "1532", 

        "dnumber": "17182003186", 

        "button": "", 

        "id": "47858", 

        "snumber": "11138470



