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Analytics Dashboard (Admin Center)


The Analytics Dashboard lets you create a report that measures and displays KPI statistics and line or bar charts for calls, users, or group activity. Access it from the Admin Center Menu>Analytics.

The Analytics Dashboard is directly integrated and shares parameters with Saved Reports. They have the same configurations and options, but while Analytics is used for charts and KPI statistics, Saved Reports provides more extensive numerical data. 

A simplified summary of call activity can also be viewed on the Admin Center's home screen or the Live Wallboard.

Sharing and Saving Reports

The report's data generated by the parameters you select can be saved and shared in the following manners:

Saved Reports: When you select a report from the Saved Reports drop-down list, its parameters report type, date range, KPIs, and filters— and resulting data will be applied to the KPI buttons and chart.

If you modify any parameters you can use the Save button ( ) to update the current saved report or you can create a new saved report with these parameters.

Download CSV: Select  to export a CSV file of the report to your device.

Share report: Select to share a web link of the report. Available sharing options depend on the device and browser you are using. To view the report, the recipient of the link needs to have Admin Center credentials.

Call History: Select Show Call History to switch to and use your selected parameters in the Call History Report.

Display Options and Report Type

Use the options here to select, configure, and filter the values and data that are applied and displayed in the KPI buttons and report chart.

Date Range

Select the date range from which you want to include call activity for the report. Available choices start from Today and go all the way back to Last Year.

You can also use the Enter a custom date range field to select a date range of your choice. Click the date to enter the date manually with your keyboard or click   to select it from a calendar.

Report Type

Select what type of phone call data the report is measuring as it applies to the X-axis of the report chart. The selected report type also determines if the report can be grouped or sorted. The Phone call report can be grouped and all other reports can only be sorted.

Analyze Phone Calls: Measures the number and duration of all phone calls, with the option to group (summarize) the results by days, weeks, months, or years. Grouping is explained here

Analyze Phone Number: Measures the numbers and durations of calls placed or received on your ten-digit phone numbers, with the option to sort the results by a KPI of your choice. Sorting is explained here

Analyze Users: Measures the numbers and durations of calls placed or received by your phone system users, with the option to sort the results by a KPI of your choice. Sorting is explained here.

Analyze Groups: Coming soon.

Analyze by Numbers: Coming soon.

Analyse by Callers: Coming soon.

Configure KPIs

Key Performance Indicators is a term that describes measurable performance for a company or a system. These are basically various values of the call, users, and group activity shown for the date range you selected.

Check or uncheck the KPIs you want to show or hide in the report. You can also drag KPIs up or down to arrange them according to your preferences. If you select RESET all KPIs will be enabled and get arranged in their default order.  

The active KPIs are shown as KPI buttons according to the way you arranged them. The KPI buttons summarize activity for the entire date range but when displayed on the chart they show activity for each particular date/time interval unit (hour, day, week, etc).  

  Some KPIs are not applicable to all reports. For example, the Phone Numbers report does not include the Internal Calls KPI because internal calls take place on internal lines and not on ten-digit phone numbers. 

The available KPIs are:

  • All Calls: A sum of the number of missed, answered, and abandoned calls. Internal calls between users are only counted as one call (even though technically they involve both an outgoing call for one user and an incoming call for the other).

  • Voicemail (not available when selecting "Analyze Users"): The total number of calls that were not answered and reached a user's (or a department's) voicemail. 

  • Talk Duration: A sum of the talking time between callers and users, from the moment a call is answered.

  • Missed calls: All unanswered calls, excluding voicemail calls, such as calls that were declined by the recipient, calls that were abandoned, calls to lines that have no voicemail configured, or calls that were routed to destinations that ended the call (busy tone, logged out users, etc.)

  • Answered Calls: A sum of the number of calls that were answered by users/agents.

  • Call Duration: The sum of combined durations for calls' holding and talking time.

  • Incoming Calls/Outgoing Calls: Outgoing calls are calls placed by users. Incoming calls are calls arriving from external callers or other users.

  • Abandoned Calls (not available when selecting "Analyze Users"): Abandoned calls are calls that were hung up by the caller while he was waiting on hold. 

  • Repeated Calls: Calls that originated from the same number on the same day.

  • Internal Calls (not available when selecting "Analyze Phone Numbers"): Internal calls between users are considered outgoing calls on the caller's side and incoming calls on the recipient's side but they are just counted as one incoming call. 

  • Group Calls: Calls that were routed to a call queue or a hunt group (usually from an IVR).


You can use one or more filters to narrow down or refine the report's results.

Note that, depending on the size of your screen, you may need to scroll the filter bar left or right (by dragging it or by using the /  buttons) to see all available filters. Also, active filters are shown with the first item selected and are therefore wider, which also requires you to scroll the bar to see filters that were shifted off-screen.

To use a filter click it to show its drop-down list and check or uncheck your preferred choices. Click Apply or just click anywhere on the screen to apply your selections. Select Clear or   to clear a filter's selections or remove all filters by selecting Clear all.

The available filters are:

  • Phone Numbers/Users/Extensions: Check the relevant choices for these filters that you want to see reports results for. The phone numbers are ten-digit numbers for external calling.

  • Groups: Both queues and hunt groups can be selected here.

  • Direction: Select to show Incoming, Outgoing, or Internal calls.

  • Status: Select to show calls that were Missed, Answered, or were delivered to the user as a Voicemail.

  • Time of day: Use the two sliders to select an hour range, with 15-minute intervals, to show report results for. Any calls outside this time range will be excluded from the report.

  • Duration: Use the two sliders to select a call duration range, with five seconds intervals, to show report results for. Any call longer than this duration will be excluded from the report.

  • Tags:
    • Transferred/Not Transferred: Calls that were transferred/not transferred to another user or the call center administrator (using the Active Calls Switchboard or ACD Dashboard).

    • Abandoned: Calls that were hung up by the caller while the call was waiting in a queue or during an IVR greeting.

    • Not Abandoned: Calls that were answered by an agent before the caller decided to hang up.

    • Repeated/Not Repeated: Repeated calls are calls that were dialed multiple times on the same number on the same day.

    • Recorded/Not Recorded: Calls that were recorded or not recorded. Recordings can be accessed from the Call History Report.

    • Called back/Not called back: Calls where the caller requested to be called back by dialing *.

    • Group call/Not Group call: Calls that were routed to users from groups (hunt groups or queues) or calls that didn't (dialed directly to the user).

    • Contain Transcript/Not Contain Transcript: Telebroad can provide automatic transcriptions for both voicemails (accessed from the Mailboxes screen ) and phone calls. This tag refers to call transcriptions that can be viewed under the call details in the Call History Report.

    • On Call/Not on Call (only available when selecting "Analyze Users"): The "On Call" tag counts users who were already on another call when making or receiving a call. The "Not on Call" filter counts users who were not busy with another call when making or receiving a call.
  • Day of month/Day of week/Month of year: Use the button (additional filters) to access these three filters and further refine the results for the date range.

KPI Buttons

KPI buttons have four functions:

  • They show the total sum of each KPI value for the entire date range you selected, for example the total number of answered calls for the past 30 days.

  • They show a mini chart of the KPI's call activity.

  • They act as toggles to place KPIs on the report chart. When you click a button it will be marked with and that KPI's statistics will be plotted on the report chart based on the grouping and interval selection.

  • For reports that cannot be grouped, KPI buttons that you have toggled on are included in the "Sort by:" option. 

Drag the KPI buttons row left or right or use the on-screen arrow keys (/) to scroll the row and show additional buttons. You can also click the /icons to reduce or enlarge the size of the KPI buttons. The smaller button view hides the mini chart but will allow you to view all KPI buttons at once.

The Report Chart

A report chart is created based on all the above parameters for the KPIs button you toggled on. Switch the chart between full and regular screen mode with  /.

The chart has additional toggles to hide or show the active KPIs. This is useful in full-screen mode when the KPIs buttons are not visible. To hide a KPI just click its name and it will marked with a strikethrough font.

The left vertical (Y) axis measures the number of calls.

The right vertical (Y)) axis measures call durations.

The horizontal (X) axis depends on your selected Report Type. For Phone Calls  – the time units are based on your grouping selection or intervals. Time units can be hours, days, weeks, or months. For Phone Numbers or Users, the X axis displays the phone number or name of the user respectively

Chart Types and View Controls

Use the Type: drop-down list to display either a Bar Chart or a Line Chart.

You can change the colors of bars or lines from the Customize Colors drop-down menu.

Zoom in and out of the chart with the    buttons, by pinch zooming on touch-enabled displays, or with your mouse wheel.

Scroll the chart left or right with the on-screen arrow keys (/), by dragging it with your mouse, or by touch-scrolling it on touch-enabled displays (you cannot scroll the chart if it is completely zoomed out.)

Hovering over a bar or a line chart point will display a bubble with the KPI values for the relevant X position date or hour.

Adjusting the X-Axis (Date/Time) Values and Y-Axis Results

"Group by:" and "Interval:" are two co-related chart menus for adjusting the X-axis date/time values. When changing these you may need to zoom in to see the relevant details. 

"Summerize by:" is a menu that determines how grouped results are calculated and shown on the Y-axis.

The Grouping options ("Group by", "Intervals", "Summarize by") are only available when selecting "Analyze Phone Calls" as the values of this report (days, hours, months, etc.) are not unique. The other reports, however, cannot be grouped because each value is unique. For example, there is only one user called Louise Williams so you cannot display a Louise Willams group. 

For reports that cannot be grouped, a sorting option (see below) is available instead.

Group by:

Values from your entire date range selection are summarized (grouped) for each point on the X-axis and relevant time points are shown. For example, selecting Week will display seven days/seven points on the X-axis for each summarized day of the week.

Grouping values allow you to analyze and compare periods of activity, like comparing the total number of incoming calls during weekdays with weekends to see if you need to move agents between the weekday and weekend shifts.

  • None: Activity is not grouped on the X-axis and instead the units are determined by the Interval option!

  • Day: Divides the X-axis into 24-hour time units (12AM-11PM). Activity is grouped for each round hour.

  • Week: Divides the X-axis into 7-day date units (Sunday-Saturday). Activity is grouped for each day of the week.

  • Month: Divides the X-axis into 31-day date units (1st of the month-31th of the month). Activity is grouped for each date of the month.

  • Year: Divides the X-axis into 12-month date units (January-December). Activity is grouped for each date of the month.


The Interval option determines what time units are used for dividing the report's date range or grouping. Each time unit corresponds to a point of the x-axis on the chart.

If the "Group by:" option is set to None you have the freedom to select any time/date value, including a "1 year" interval (which will only really work if your date range covers several years). 

Do consider that selecting the 1 Hour interval without grouping can create massive reports that may be hard to read or analyze. For example, for a date range of an entire year you will get a 8760 x-axis points on the chart (for 24 hours times 365 days) and the amount of data may be an overkill. 

For all other "Group by:" options you can only select certain intervals. For example, if your grouping selection is "Week" you can select to divide the results into hours or days but obviously weeks or months do not apply.

  • 1 Hour: X-axis points represent round hours of caldendrical days – like 08/01/24 5 PM, or, if grouped, hours of a day based on the grouping "10 AM" or  "Sunday 10 AM", or "1st 10 AM", etc.

    Calls include all calls for the round hour, that is 9 AM includes all the calls between 9 AM and 10 AM.

    Depending on your date range, you may see intervals of 3 or 4 hours initially and may need to zoom in to see single hours.

  • 1 Day: X-axis points represent calendrical days of the month – like 08/01/2024, or, if grouped, days of the week – "Sunday", "Monday", etc.

  • 1 Week (not applicable to any of the grouping options): X-axis points represent weeks of the year like "2024 Week 20", "2024 Week 21", etc. 

  • 1 Month: X-axis points represent whole months of given years – like "June 2024", or, if grouped, just the grouped months – "June", "July", etc.

  • 1 Quarter: X-axis points represent annual quarters – like "Q2 2024", or, if grouped, just the grouped quarters – like "Q2", "Q3", etc.

  • 1 Year (not applicable to any of the grouping options): X-axis points represent whole years – "2024", "2023", etc. Usually, this will result in only one or two points, unless if you select a multiple-year date range. 

Summarize by:

This option lets you decide how grouped values are calculated and shown – as a sum of all data values or as an average.

To illustrate how this works let's take a 30-day date range and group it by Week with a 1 Day interval. We have four Sundays in this date range with 8, 12, 17, and 3 calls on respectively.

  • Sum: For each X-axis point, the total sum for each of the same days in the 30-day range is shown. In our example, this means the Sunday row will show a 40 calls sum. 

  • Average: For each point, the total sum for each of the same days in the 30-day range is first added and then divided by the number of the same days. In our example, this means the Sunday row will show a 10-call average.

    Do keep in mind that averaging will only work if your date range includes enough divisible grouped items! Otherwise, the results for averaging will be just the same as the results for summing the data. If, for example, your date range is the "Last 7 Days" grouped as "Day of Week" with "1 Day" interval you will only have one Sunday, one Monday, one Tuesday, etc. In this case, averaging the days divides their totals by one, giving you identical results to just summing them.

Sort by:

The Sort by:  option is only available for reports that cannot be grouped. 

The available choices are the same as the KPI buttons you checked (and not the KPI you configured to be included in the report.) In other words, even if your KPI buttons include all possible KPIs, sorting is available only for those that you checked and are applied to the chart.

When you sort a chart its x-axis points will be arranged according to your selection in descending order from left to right. 

In the following example, the chart is sorted by Missed Calls. Stephanie Stacey had the most missed calls and she is placed first (left most). She is followed by Beverly Mercado who had the 2nd most missed calls, then Erica Holdwort with the 3rd most missed calls, etc (as illustrated by the red line we drew on the image.)