- Account Details
- Account Status
- Profile and Password Reset
- Disable Incoming calls
- Do Not Disturb
- Mark all Notifications as Read
- Queue Availability and Call Center Status
- More Options and Help & Support
- Sign out
Account Details
The account icon on the top-right, marked by your initial, indicates the TeleConsole's status and provides access to your profile, password resetting, and various options and features.
Your name and extension/internal number appear next to the account icon. Clicking the icon will show various options and your profile photo used by the Team Chat feature.
Account Status
Your account status determines your availability or connectivity with the Telebroad server. It is indicated by the color of the small disc on the bottom-left of the account icon and by a small alert next to your profile photo.
There are three possible statuses:
- Offline (
) – The TeleConsole has not authenticated your credentials or was not able to connect with the Telebroad server. You will not be able to receive or send any communication. You may notice this status briefly when just signing in.
- Online (
) – The TeleConsole has connected to the Telebroad server and has authenticated your credentials. You are able to accept or make all communication.
- Do Not Disturb or Disable Incoming Calls (see below) (
) – You will be able to make calls but will not be able to receive them. Faxing and messaging will not be affected.
Editing Your Profile and Password Reset
Click Edit Profile to open a window where you can change the First Name and Last Name associated with your account. You can also provide a Mobile or a regular Phone number (where you are reachable besides your TeleConsole number), and a Timezone and Country where you are located.
You can also change your Email Address/User Name or change your Profile Photo by clicking Upload Photo.
If you change your user name, you will need to contact us to set you up with a new initial password.
Click RESET MY PASSWORD to change your account password. This is useful if you need to use the TeleConsole on a different device and can't remember your current password (you can also reset your password from the Sign In screen.) An email with a link to reset your password will be sent to you. If you don't see it look for it in your spam folder.
When choosing your password, remember that it is case-sensitive (your user name is not.)
After resetting your password you will have to sign in to the TeleCosnole with the new password.
Disable Incoming calls
If you are using a physical SIP phone with your Telebroad account, you need to enable this option to route incoming calls to your physical phone rather than to the TeleConsole. Your profile icon will appear as and a red banner at the top of the screen will remind you calls are routed to your phone. You can select Turn off to route calls back to the TeleConsole app.
If you are not using a physical phone, enabling this option will prevent you from answering incoming calls. Instead, calls will be marked as "missed" and will be routed to voicemail!
You can also route calls to other devices. So, for example, if you are running the TeleConsole on both a PC and a mobile device you can activate Disable incoming calls to accept calls temporarily only on your mobile device.
Do Not Disturb
Use Do Not Disturb if you temporarily can't be bothered to answer calls. When enabled all inbound calls will go directly to your voicemail, but other users on the system can still chat with you.
Your profile icon will appear as and a red banner at the top of the screen will remind you calls are routed to voicemail, You can select Turn off to start accepting calls.
If you have more than one line, DND can be enabled or disabled for each line separately!
Your call center administrator will see when you activated Do Not Disturb on his Admin Center's Live Dashboards so he can avoid redirecting calls to you.
Activating DND will disable the Call Forwarding option (see call settings)! DND also has priority over the Disable Incoming calls option.
Mark all Notifications as Read
This option does two things:
- It resets all the badge counter notifications on the TeleConsole's menu icons (left side of the screen) and the TeleConsole's taskbar icon.
To see badge counter notifications in the first place you need to enable it from the Unread count option under the Notification Settings! - It also marks all your SMS/MMS conversations as having been read by you – meaning they are not considered new and will be displayed in normal type instead of bold type.
When selecting this option you can still see conversations under the All Conversation filter but not under the New Conversations filter, at least not until you receive new text messages!
You can mark individual conversations as unread from the conversation options menu.
Note that you will NOT be prompted with a warning when selecting this option. All notifications and conversations will be marked as read instantaneously. Make sure that you really want to proceed before selecting it.
Queue Availability and Call Center Status
This shows a list of call queues you belong to and your availability status in them. Queues relate to Automatic Call Distribution (ACD). You can read more about queues here.
Log yourself in or out of a queue by switching the queue's toggle. Your call center administrator can also log you in or out of queues.
While you are logged out of a queue you will not receive calls distributed to the queue by the system or the call center administrator. The administrator will see your queue status on his ACD dashboard.
If you log out of all your queues the call center administrator will see your status as Logged Out. He can still route calls manually directly to your number or extension. You need to sign out of the TeleConsole to completely be unavailable to receive calls (the administrator will see your status as Offline.)
More Options
What's new
Self-explanatory. A list of the improvements and additions to the latest edition of the TeleConsole.
Download the mobile apps
A link to Telebroad's App Marketplace where you can download the Android or iOS versions of the TeleConsole, as well as other Telebroad communication apps.
Download the Dekstop app
You will see this only if you are using the Web version.
It is a link to Telebroad's App Marketplace where you can download the Windows or macOS versions of the TeleConsole, as well as other Telebroad communication apps.
Help & Support
There are three options available here. Report issue will open a window where you can write about any issue you are having with the TeleConsole. This will be submitted to our development team. Share idea is similar but meant to allow you to suggest improvements to the development team. Get support will take you to our support portal (the one you are currently reading.)
Sign out
Self-explanatory. Sign out of the TeleConsole when you need to switch to another account or to protect your privacy on a shared computer.
Keep in Background
On the Windows/macOS versions, you can close the TeleConsole window to exit the app. This will keep your login information so you don't need to reenter it. However, anyone with access to your computer can also open the TeleConsole and access your account!
When you close the TeleConsole window you will be prompted if you want to KEEP IN BACKGROUND or EXIT. Keeping the TeleConsole running in the background is required if you want to keep receiving calls!