If your W80 or W90 base station or DECT manager is malfunctioning or requires updates you or your phone system administrator may want to perform one of the following:
Rebooting: This will bring the unit back to its last configured state.
Upgrading the firmware: Firmware is the software that loads when the unit is started and controls its functionality. Upgrading it to a newer version, when one is released, may resolve or improve performance issues. With the web user interface, you can upgrade the firmware of the W80/W90 or any phone/handset that is registered with it.
Factory reset: This erases the current configuration and applies the original configuration the unit was shipped with from the factory.
Performing any of these operations will temporarily prevent users from placing or receiving calls and will cause any active or holding calls to be disconnected (an exception is the No Perception Firmware Upgrade.) You should therefore alert all users connected to the base station before proceeding. An easy way to do so is with the Yealink handset intercom feature (see details for W56H/73H/78H handsets or CP935W phone) or with Telebroad's group intercom paging.
Rebooting the W80/W90
Rebooting your W80 or W90 is usually a safe and easy method to resolve functionality issues. However, you may want to consult your phone system administrator first to make sure the issues are not related to network problems or other external causes.
To perform a reboot:
- Access the web user interface as explained here.
- Click Settings>Upgrade.
- Click Reboot.
Rebooting may take a few minutes.
Upgrading the Firmware
You can upgrade the firmware of the W80/W90 or any handset/phone that is registered with it.
If you register a W56H/W73H/W78H or CP935W unit running an older firmware (not a multi-cell version) with the W80/W90, its firmware will be automatically upgraded to multi-cell firmware.
Firmware Upgrade Considerations
Firmware upgrades are recommended when you first start using a device to bring it to the latest firmware version. However, before proceeding you should read related firmware notes and consult with Yealink's support to ensure there are no compatibility issues or other potential conflicts. If such issues or conflicts do happen after an upgrade you may need to downgrade to a previous firmware version or perform a factory reset.
Finding and Downloading the Latest Firmware Files
Firmware files can be downloaded from the Yealink support portal as follows:
- The W90 firmware versions are named with the format 130.x.x.x.rom and can be found here.
Make sure to install the correct firmware depending on the role of the unit — DECT manager (for example W90DM- or base (for example W90B- - The W80 firmware versions are named with the format 103.x.x.x.rom and can be found here.
Make sure to install the correct firmware depending on the role of the unit — DECT manager (for example W80DM- or base (for example W80B- - The W56H handset firmware versions are named with the format 61.x.x.x.rom (for example W56H- and can be found here.
- The W73H handset firmware versions are named with the format 116.x.x.x.rom (for example W73H- and can be found here.
- The W78H handset firmware versions are named with the format 16.x.x.x.rom (for example W78H- and can be found here.
- The CP935 DECT phone firmware files have the name format of 149.x.x.x (for example CP935W- and can be found here.
The file should be stored on a computer, mobile device, or local network location that can be accessed by the web interface.
For DECT handsets/phones do also check the firmware files on the above-mentioned W80/W90 linked pages as they may contain a more relevant multi-cell firmware.
If your handset is registered with a single-cell base station (W70B) please refer to these upgrade instructions.
Checking the Firmware Version
You can check the current firmware version installed on the W80/W90 or a DECT handset/phone to see if an update is indeed required.
To check the firmware version of the W80 or W90:
- Do one of the following:
- Access the web user interface as explained here.
The firmware version is the first item found under the Status tab (the first page of the web user interface.)
- Access the web user interface as explained here.
- On the W56H/W73H/W78H handsets: Press
on a handset registered with the W80/W90, when the handset is idle, to enter the main menu and select Status>DM or Status>Base.
On the CP935 phone: Access the Control Center by swiping down from the top of the screen or by tappingon the bottom of the idle screen. Select Status>Base Status.
To check the firmware version of a handset or a phone:
- On the W56H/W73H/W78H handsets: Press
when the handset is idle to enter the main menu and select Status>Handset.
- On the CP935 phone: Access the Control Center by swiping down from the top of the screen or by tapping
on the bottom of the idle screen. Select Status>Phone Status.
Performing a Firmware Upgrade
When upgrading the firmware it is important that you do not close or refresh the browser running the web user interface. Also, during the upgrade, you must not close any network connections on the device running the web user interface or power it off.
You can upload four different firmware files for different handsets or phones at the same time and the web user interface will upgrade them one by one.
To perform a firmware upgrade:
- Access the web user interface as explained here.
- Select the Settings>Upgrade.
- To upgrade the firmware of the W80 or W90 click Browse in the Upgrade Firmware field to locate the firmware file you downloaded from the above-mentioned Yealink page. Click Upgrade in the same field to perform the firmware.
- To upgrade the firmware of a handset or a DECT phone:
Before starting ensure that the handset or phone battery is at least 40% charged and that unit is connected to the base station.
Click Browse in the Select and update handset firmware field to locate the firmware file you downloaded from Yealink on your local system.
If you are updating more than one firmware click Add and browse for up to four additional firmware files.
Click Upgrade next to each firmware file to upgrade handsets/phones individually or click Upgrade All to upgrade all of the firmware files, one by one, according to the order you selected them.
When upgrading multiple handsets or phones you can select an Upgrade Mode as follows:- Grayscale Upgrade: Upgrades two handsets per base station at one time. The upgrading process does not affect the use of the remaining handsets.
- Normal: Upgrades four handsets per base station at one time. During upgrading, other handsets are not available for any base-related functions (for example calling or accessing the directory.)
- No Perception Upgrade (supported only on the W73H, W78H, W57R and W59R handsets): The firmware transfer is completed before launching a handset upgrade and the handset can be used normally during the process.
- Grayscale Upgrade: Upgrades two handsets per base station at one time. The upgrading process does not affect the use of the remaining handsets.
If the firmware upgrade fails check that the target firmware is not the same as the current firmware or that the target firmware is applicable to the phone or handset model you are trying to upgrade. Also, verify the target phone or handset has enough battery charge left to complete the upgrade.
Factory Reset
Factory reset is only recommended after you have tried all other troubleshooting suggestions since it will delete all your personal configuration settings and reset them to the factory defaults. It is advisable you contact us (if you have an account with us) or your phone system administrator before attempting a factory reset to see if the issues with your phone may be resolved without it and to ensure your phone can be properly provisioned and configured if a reset is indeed required.
You can reset the W80 or W90 from the unit itself or from the web user interface.
To perform a factory reset directly from the W80 or W90:
- Long press the device key on the w80 or W90 for twenty seconds.
- The device will start resetting. The process may take a few minutes. Do not power off the unit until it starts up successfully.
To perform a factory reset using the web user interface:
- Access the web user interface as explained here.
- Select the Settings tab on the top and select Upgrade from the side menu.
- Click Reset to Factory in the Reset to Factory field.
- Click OK to confirm when the web user interface prompts “Do you want to reset to factory?”.
- The process may take a few minutes. Do not power off the unit until it starts up successfully.