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Call History Report (Admin Center)

Usage and Access

The Call History report lists details about calls in a date range you specify. The listed records can be sorted and filtered by different parameters. Selecting a call shows its details and journey how it moved between different destinations in the phone system. You can also view and listen to call recordings.

Access the Call History screen from the Admin Center Menu>Reports>Call History

Call history records cannot be deleted! Also, be aware that a single call that comes from a hunt group or a call queue and rings a user multiple times appears as separate records for each time it rang the user.

Select to look for call records by the phone number of the caller or the recipient. You can also look for names of caller IDs from inbound callers. However, searching for user names is not fully supported, but you can find calls associated with a specific user(s) with the Users filter.


With the Go to Analytics button you can switch to and apply the selected date range and filters to the Analytics Dashboard.

Date Range

The Date range field offers predefined date choices Today, Yesterday, Last Week, etc.

You can also use the Enter a custom date range field to select a date range of your choice. Click the date to enter the date manually with your keyboard or click   to the start and end date from a calendar.

Exporting Reports

With the  button you can export two kinds of CSV report files. Calls in the file appear according to the way you have sorted them.

All columns (both the ones you selected and the ones you didn't) are included in the file. Each call is also assigned an ID.

The exported columns are different for each type of report. See the next section for a description of available columns.

Export Account Call History will be named with a "call-logs" prefix and include all calls in the selected time range.

Export User Call History will be named with a "call-segments" prefix. It only includes calls where a user is the end point for dialed or received calls. So, for example,  abandoned calls are not included in the file. 

Report Type, Columns, and Sorting

Selecting a Report Type

With the Report Type menu you can generate two types of reports:

  • Account Call History: It lists all calls and phone numbers for the account.

  • User Call History: It only lists calls where a user is the end point for dialed or received calls. So for example, an inbound call where the caller hung up when greeted by the main IVR is not included in this report since it did not reach an actual user. 

    Calls that are transferred, are counted separately! So when user A receives a call the report counts it once and when the call is transferred to user B the report counts it again as a separate call. 

Data Columns

The two reports have three identical data columns but all other columns are specific to each report. The Transferred column does appear in both reports but provides different information.

Not all columns are shown by default. Use the  button to display additional columns or hide existing ones. Use the Reset button to display the default columns of the report. 

Shared data columns for both reports:

  • Direction: An icon showing the initial direction of the call
    • Incoming Missed calls.

      A call is considered a missed call if an agent did not answer it or rejected it. A call is also considered missed if the caller hangs up during a voicemail greeting.

    • – Incoming Answered calls.

    • Outgoing calls.

    • Internal calls.

  • Status: Shows the eventual status of the call. The most common statuses are Missed, Answered, Cancel (user hung up while the call was ringing), No answer, Busy/Congested line, or delivered to the user as a Voicemail. For answered calls that were transferred, you may see that it was "Answered by 2 people" (or more).

  • Date & Time: The date and time the call was initiated by a user or was first received on the phone system.

Account Call History data columns:

  • Caller: Name and number/phoneline of the caller. Calls that were dialed by users (Companare indicated with a yellow icon and the user's initial () while calls coming from external numbers have a green icon with the first letter from the caller ID ().

  • Dialed Number: The phone number that the caller initially dialed.

  • Arrived to: The first destination on the phone system to which the call was routed.

    You can see other destinations where the call was transferred to under the Call Journey tab.

  • DurationTotal duration for the call, including ring and talk time.

  • Transferred: The number of times the call was transferred (0 value if the call was not transferred.)

  • Recording: If a call has a recording you can click the icon to open the Recording tab.

  • Abandoned: Calls that were hung up by the caller while the call was waiting in a queue or during an IVR greeting.

  • Repeated: The number of calls that were repeatedly dialed from the same number on the same day.

    The number of calls in the column is a link. Clicking it will open all calls related to the dialed number.

  • Called Back: Calls where the caller requested to be called back, instead of waiting in a call queue (callers request a call back by dialing *.)

    The call-back option can be enabled or disabled for each queue under the queue's Call Settings.

User Call History data columns:

  • User: Name and phone line of the user who made or received the call.

  • Arrived From/To: Where the call originated from before it was received by the user or where it arrived if the user dialed it.

  • Ring Duration: The duration the call was ringing before it was answered or rejected.

  • Talk Duration: The actual talk duration for the call once it was picked up.

  • Transferred: What kind of transfer was performed on the call – Blind or Smart Transfer (The difference between the two is explained in the TeleConole call options. ) The field is left empty if the call was not transferred.

  • User On Call: For group calls (hunt groups or queue), indicate "Yes" when the user did not pick up a call because he was on another call. All other call scenarios are shown as "No".

Sorting Columns

You can sort the report by the values of any column, except those with phone numbers. Click a column to sort it in ascending order () and click it again to sort it in descending order ().

In the example shown here, the report is sorted by date and time. Note that if you sort by other columns, the system will also display the results, if possible, in chronological order.

Applying Filters

You can use one or several filters to narrow down and refine the results shown in the report. The filter toolbar can be shown or hidden with the  button.


Select on the title of an active filter or Clear when opening the filter to clear your selections for it or remove all filters by selecting Clear all.

Active filters display the first item selected. That makes them wider and, on smaller screens, you may need to use the right or left arrows on the filter toolbar to see filters that were shifted off-screen.

The available filters are:

  • Numbers/Users/Groups (the Groups filter has both queues and hunt groups): Check the relevant filter choices for which you want to see results. For example, you can select two filters to show results for specific users in the sales queue.

  • Direction: Select to show Incoming, Outgoing, or Internal calls.

  • Status: Select to show calls that were Missed, Answered, or were delivered to the user as a Voicemail.

  • Time of day: Use the two sliders to select an hourly range, with 15-minutes intervals, to show results for.

  • Duration: Use the two sliders to select a call duration range, in 5 seconds intervals, to show results for.

  • Tags:
    • Transferred/Not Transferred: Calls that were transferred/not transferred to another user or the call center administrator (using the Active Calls Switchboard or ACD Dashboard).

    • Abandoned: Calls that were hung up by the caller while the call was waiting in a queue or during an IVR greeting.

    • Not Abandoned: Calls that were answered by an agent before the caller decided to hang up.

    • RepeatedCalls that were repeatedly dialed from the same number on the same day.

    • Not Repeated: Reapted calls are calls that were dialed multiple times to the same number on the same day

    • Recorded/Not Recorded: Calls that were recorded or not recorded. Recording can be accessed and played in the call details tabs (see next).

    • Called back/Not called back: Calls where the caller requested to be called back by dialing *.

    • Group call/Not Group call: Calls that were routed to users from groups (hunt groups or queues) or calls that didn't (dialed directly to the user).

    • Contain Transcript/Not Contain Transcript: Telebroad can provide automatic transcrions for both voicemails (accessed from the Mailboxes screen) and phone calls. This tag refers to call transcriptions. Transcriptions can be viewed in the call details tabs (see next).

    • On Call/Not on Call (only available when selecting "User Call History" report type): The "On Call" tag counts users who were already on another call when making or receiving a call. The "Not on Call" filter counts users who were not busy with another call when making or receiving a call.
  • Day of month/Day of week/Month of year: Use the button (additional filters) to access these three filters and select days or months within the time range to show report results for. 

Call Details

Select any call history record to show its details with two tabs – Call Journey and Recordings.

The   button lets you copy the web link for the call details so you can share it with another user (the user needs to have a role that allows him to view reports. Roles can be defined under Admin Center Menu>Account>Settings>User Roles & Privileges).

The    button lets you print the call journey or save it as a PDF file.

Call Journey

The call journey tab shows how a call moved between different destinations in the phone system, including the duration for each destination and the time and date the call ended.

Call Recordings

The Recordings tab has an audio player(s) to let you listen to a recording of the call. You can drag the playhead or use   and to skip back and forth. Change the playback speed with and download an MP3 file of the recording with .

Enabling Call Recordings

You can enable or disable call recordings for a user by going to Admin Center Menu>Users & Phones and expanding the Lines & Devices category. Select    to edit an existing line and open its settings. Expand the General Info settings and toggle on or off the Enable call recording setting.

Call Transcription

Telebroad's call transcriptions are generated automatically and are AI-powered for optimized speech recognition. 

Currently the feature is in beta testing and can only be activated for you by our support team. Please contact us if you wish to help us test this exciting feature. 

Once the feature is enabled, the call details screen will display an additional panel with the transcription or the selected call. 

If you want to see transcriptions for voicemails go to the Mailboxes screen.