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Overview and Existing Faxes

Select on the left-panel TeleConsole menu to access the Fax Screen. The screen is divided into two areas – the left shows a list of existing faxes (sent or received) with their statuses and the right for viewing fax content and related options or sending a new fax.

Faxes you received are shown as black and white images while faxes you sent are shown in color. For received faxes, you will see the sender's and recipient's (your) phone numbers at the top of the fax document.  

Faxes can be assigned as tasks to yourself or other users. You can filter the fax list based on status or task assignment.

Fax Status

A fax status is indicated in the list of existing faxes together with the number of pages sent or received. You can use Fax Filters (see next) to view only faxes of a specific status.  

There are three statuses for sent faxes. When sending a fax, its status is initially shown as "Fax sending" while it is being processed. Once the fax has been sent it is marked as "Fax sent successful" or "Fax sent failed". Received faxes have only one status – "Fax received".

Usually, a fax fails to send because it was sent to a number that cannot accept faxes. On rare occasions, it is also possible that the Telebroad fax server is down. You can see the status of the server hereYou can try to resend a failed fax using the fax options (see below).

When you send a fax, you will also get an email with the status of the fax and some additional details.

Fax Filters

With the Filters pull-down menu () you can apply filters and hide or show faxes as needed. When you have any active filters the menu is marked with a green dot ().

There are three types of filters – for statuses, fax numbers, and tasks. Only one filter can be selected for statuses, but for tasks and fax numbers you can check any number of filters. You can also check and combine several filters between the types. In the example shown here only sent faxes that were assigned as tasks but not yet resolved will be shown.

If you can't find a specific fax make sure it is not being filtered out by your selection here. You can always select to show "All faxes" or use the global search feature to find it.

  • All faxes: This removes all filters to show you all available faxes.

  • Sent/Received/Failed faxes (fax status): Self-explanatory. Apply these filters to show only faxes you sent, received, or that have failed to be sent from your account.

  • Filter fax numbers: Check or uncheck the fax channels (fax numbers or lines) for which you want to show or hide faxes. Channels will appear here only if you enable them in the Fax Settings (see explanation below).

  • My faxes: Check this filter to show only faxes you have assigned as a task to yourself (see Assigning Faxes as Tasks below).

  • Unresolved: Check this filter to show only voicemails you have assigned to other users as a task but have not yet been resolved (see Assigning Faxes as Tasks below).

  • Unassigned: Check this filter to show only voicemails you have not yet assigned as a task to yourself or to other users (see Assigning Faxes as Tasks below).

Fax Options

When you select a fax, the following options are available in the top-right corner of the screen:

  • Place a call  ()  to the other party who sent you the fax or received it from you. The keypad screen will open with the other party's number automatically inserted in the call recipient's field.

  • Print () the fax using the system's standard printing prompt.

  • Contact options () —

    • If the person who faxed you already exists in your contacts, this will open his details in the contacts screen.

    • Otherwise, you will get the option to Create new contact with his number or Add (his number) to existing contact. See more about creating new contacts here.

  • Select   for additional menu options

    • Tasks list () this option is only available for faxes that have been assigned as tasks and shows whom the task was assigned to and who resolved it. See more about tasks below.

    • Resend () – this option is only available for failed or sent faxes. You can modify the contact details and attachments (like fixing the phone number or adding a different contact) before resending the fax.

    • Download () a copy of the fax as a PDF to your local or network drive. Depending on your system or browser for the web version, you will be prompted to select the download location and you can also change the file name before saving it.

    • Mark as unread () this will tag the fax as unread displaying it in bold type in the fax list – useful for reminding yourself to address it again at a later time. Alternatively, you can also assign the fax to yourself as a task.

      To mark a fax as read, simply select it.
    • Delete () the fax. You will be prompted to approve the deletion.

Sending a New Fax

Clicking lets you add recipients, attachments, and a cover page to a new fax before sending it. You can also select a different caller ID for your fax line.

Recipients and Caller ID

Enter a recipient's name or number in the To: field. Matching results, for both company and personal contacts, will be suggested. If a contact has more than one phone number all numbers will be available for selection. Make sure to select the fax-compatible number, otherwise the fax will fail to deliver.

A fax can be sent to multiple recipients. Click the empty space (to the right of a recipient you already entered) to add additional recipients.

The RECENTLY SENT list shows contacts you recently faxed. Select the contact's name or number to quickly add it to the To: field or to add it to your contacts (if the contact already exists, his details will be opened instead.) To remove an item from the list, hover your mouse over it and select .

Note that the RECENTLY SENT list is specific to the fax screen. The calling and messages screens have their separate lists! The list is only available locally on the device and is not shared with other devices where you use your account.

You can change the default caller ID for your fax line by clicking the From: drop-down menu. The default caller ID is selected in the fax settings.

Cover Page

By default, a cover page is not included, but you can easily add one.

To add a cover page select Default fax cover page from the Cover page: drop-down menu. If you need a custom cover page you can email us with the design and logo and we will add it to your account.

Enter the relevant information in the Recipient first and last name, Company / Department, and Cover page note.

You can click to preview the design of the cover page (the default Telebroad design is shown in the example.) Use the slider at the bottom of the preview page to zoom in and out.

Attaching Files

Drag-and-drop the file(s) you want to fax from another window to the Attach file box or click the box to navigate to the file. You can fax text files, PDFs, or picture files. Attaching other kinds of files may result in a "Fax sent failed" error.

You can attach multiple files up to 20MB total (individual file size should also not exceed this limit.) Remove a file by clicking on its thumbnail.

To rearrange the order of attached files drag their boxes around.

You can preview PDF or image files directly in the TeleConsole by clicking . In the PDF preview window, you can select    to show the PDF navigation thumbnails.

Assigning Faxes as Tasks

Fax Groups and Tasks

A Fax group is created when an administrator assigns the same Fax number to several agents. This is done in the Admin Center's general settings of the number. The group members can access any fax sent or received to the number. 

The tasks feature helps the group members decide who is responsible for particular faxes by assigning faxes to themselves or to other group members.

With the filtering options you can view faxes you assigned to yourself, unassigned faxes, or unresolved tasks.

Assigning Conversations as Tasks

Use the Assign () button to assign a fax as a task.

When assigning a conversation you can select Assign to me to assign the fax to yourself. Or you can select an agent to assign (or reassign) a fax to (if the fax has already been assigned to an agent, the agent's name will be grayed out). To make the agent aware of the task assignment he will receive an email with the fax details.

The agent assigned to the task is indicated under the fax sender's number. In the fax list, the fax is also marked with an icon of the initials of the agent. The icon's color is specific to each agent.

Note that the time stamp for the fax ("Dec 02, 2024" in the sample figure) is the fax sending or arrival time and not the time the fax was assigned as a task.

Unassigning, Resolving, and Reopening Tasks

You can unassign faxes by selecting Assign and Unassign (). In the fax list, the agent's initials icon will be removed.

Once a task has been completed use the Resolve button ( ) to mark it as such. The fax will appear greyed out in the fax list and with icon (the time stamp for the fax keeps referring to its delivery or sending time and not to when the task was resolved.)

You can mark conversations as resolved, even if you have not assigned them to anyone, as a visual way to indicate they have already been handled.

A resolved task can be reassigned to the last agent who handled it with the Reopen () button. If you have not previously assigned the fax as a task (meaning you have just marked it as Resolved), reopening it will assign it to you.

What to Do if You Cannot See or Send Faxes

If your fax channels are not activated in the TeleConsole settings you will not be able to see or send faxes. If the same channels are not checked on the filters pull-down menu you may also not see some or all of your faxes and the fax screen will appear empty. 

The fax screen will also appear empty if you applied one or more filters that happen to show faxes that do not exist.

Wrong Filters

If you have applied any filters the pull-down menu will be marked by a green dot, and this may indicate one or more filters are preventing you from seeing your faxes.

To fix this click the Filters pull-down menu and select All faxes.

No Fax Numbers Checked

The filter for fax numbers works separately from the other filters. Even if you have selected "All faxes" and the phone numbers in this filter are unchecked some or all or of your faxes will not show.

Fix this by selecting at least one phone number.

Fax Numbers Are Not Enabled in Settings

The phone numbers that show under the Fax Numbers filter need to be enabled in the TeleConsole settings, otherwise you will see an error message "No active fax lines available".

If no fax numbers are enabled, you will also not be able to send any faxes!

To fix that you need to go to the TeleConsole settings (), select the Fax tab, click MANANGE FAX ACCOUNTS, and ensure that at least one of your fax channels is active!